Dirty Sons of Pitches (Remakin' It)

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are closing out their run on movies and their remakes with a zombie apocalypse thanks to Netflix's big new movie, "Army of the Dead," directed by Zack Snyder. The guys watch Snyder's first movie, 2004's "Dawn of the Dead" as well as the 1978 George Romero version that cemented the world of zombies as well as zombies-as-metaphors. Stay tuned for the next new edition of the podcast.

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Episode 306 includes:

-Trailer reactions for Marvel's "The Eternals," "Last Night in Soho," and "Gunpowder Milkshake."

-The story behind the author of "The Woman is the Window" is WAY WAY more interesting than watching the movie.

-Nate says "Those Who Wish Me Dead" is a waste of Angelina Jolie, its exciting premise, and even fire.

-"Army of the Dead" is Zack Snyder's return to zombie cinema and, depending upon who you listen to, a fun return to schlocky form or more evidence he sill cannot tell a story.

-Remakin' It -- "Dawn of the Dead"

-The 1978 zombie classic from George Romero might be a little more rough around the edges, but Snyder's 2004 remake has its own merits as well as an action thriller.

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Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 6:43pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have fulfilled a long-delayed promise and finally, at long last, watched the 1962 and 2004 "Manchurian Candidate," and surprise, they enjoyed both quite a lot. The 1962 original is definitely ahead of its time in approach and technique, and the 2004 remake is relevant for our times as well as finds ways to make some improvements.

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Episode 305 includes:

-AT&T is selling Warner Media to Discovery.

-R.I.P. Charles Grodin. May you meet all the Beethovens in heaven.

-Trailer reactions to "Hotel Transylvania 4" and "Dear Evan Hanson."

-"Oxygen" is a contained thriller that could have done more by ironically doing less.

-"The Woman in the Window" has a twist that Ben guessed in its opening SECONDS.

-Remakin' It -- "The Manchurian Candidate"

-The political thriller about an unwitting American sleeper agent caught in a dangerous conspiracy and it's actually a very good movie from 1962 and a quite good thriller from 2004. They've done it, they've found a movie that succeeds as an original and as a remake!

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Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 6:40am EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are gambling on one of the few remakes held in high regard with its well regarded source material. the guys are watching the 2008 Swedish vampire movie "Let the Right One In" as well as the 2010 American remake from director Matt Reeves and starring Chloe Grace-Moritz and Richard Jenkins, "Let Me In." Stay tuned for a long-delayed promise to finally get penciled in for the next episode's remakes.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 304 includes:

-Trailer responses to "A Quiet Place II," "The Forever Purge," and whatever you're calling "Venom 2"

-Seth Rogen and James Franco won't be starring in any projects together if Rogen has his way

-Ben has found an even worse animated movie on Netflix than the last bad animated movie from Netflix.

-"Tom Clancy's Without Remorse" is Tom Clancy even minus Tom Clancy.

-Remakin' It -- Let the Right One in" (2008)

-The guys talk adolescent vampires and disaffected teen friendships and the places you'll go with the Swedish vampire import "Let the Right One In" and the American remake from 2010, "Let Me In."

Direct download: pitch_304.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 4:28pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are heading for disaster with the Irwen Allen classic, the Academy Award-winning 1972 spectacle "The Poseidon Adventure," one of Ben's favorite movies, and then the big-budget 2006 Wolfgang Peterson remake, "Poseidon."

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 303 includes:

-Trailer for Paul Verhoeven's first movie in five years, and there are lesbian nuns.

-Me Too hits the "Dr. Who" family.

-Ben reviews the first season of Amazon's animated super hero satire, "Invincible."

-Nate loves "The Mitchells vs. the Machines" and Ben enjoys it but with some mild reservations.

-Remakin' It -- "The Poseidon Adventure" / "Poseidon"

-The guys talk about the power of cheese versus action spectacle, which movie had the more authentic or resonant emotional moments, and whether both can be fun on different disaster terms.

Direct download: pitch_303.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are going to prom this week, twice, thanks to watching the 1976 horror classic "Carrie" and its far less regarded 2013 remake starring Chloe Grace-Moritz and Julianne Moore. The guys assess the original, director Brian De Palma's artistic inclinations and limitations, and whether or not the new version is better than its predecessor.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 302 includes:

-Oscars! Reactions! Surprises! Octopuses!

-Can Steven Spielberg direct a musical?

-Ben laments how both "The Courier" and "Stowaway" get caught in their realism details a little too much.

-The new "Mortal Kombat" movie has guts and not much else, but does it matter?

-Remakin' It -- "Carrie"

-Is it actually possible the 2013 remake that few liked is actually an improvement on Brian De Palma's 1976 horror original? Believe it!


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Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are checking out feminist sci-fi classic "The Stepford Wives" from 1975 and the much-reviled 2004 remake starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Frank Oz. It's an extra big episode so enjoy all that granular analysis and scant scat jokes.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 301 includes:

-Trailer responses for "Army of the Dead" and Marvel's "Shang-Chi"

-Oscar predictions for the Oscars the least amount of people may watch.

-Ben declares "Thunder Force" a guaranteed slot for his Worst Films of 2021 List.

-"Nobody" is a fun, bruising action movie that might have been more fun had its lead been less special.

-Remakin' It -- "The Stepford Wives"

-The guys talk about the commentary and relevancy of the 1975 original and the steep steep decline of the 2004 comedy remake.

Direct download: pitch_301.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are all monkey business on this episode and the gents are looking at the cinematic titan of King Kong, first in the stop-motion original 1933 version and then in the 1976 remake that answered what a man in a suit would add to the lore. There's a lengthy discussion over the assessment of old art, nostalgia, and the lens we view film classics, and yes, there needs to be a discussion over the obvious racial optics.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 300 includes:

-All WB news this week, including reactions to the new "Space Jam" trailer, where Ben asks, "Has nostalgia become that dumb?"

-"Chaos Walking" is not worth the chaos. Or the walking.

-The new "Godzilla vs. Kong" is a giant monkey fighting a giant lizard and it certainly is that.

-Remakin' It -- "King Kong"

-The guys talk about the film legend that dazzled audience,s inspired generations, and may not be as good as you choose to remember. They discuss the maligned 1976 remake and find points of improvement, and assess the nature of deference to "film classics."

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Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 1:38pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are making up for the pain of past movie choices by going back to the goodness that is the 1987 "RoboCop" movie, offering a balm to Ben's soul. The guys talk about the schlocky 80s sci-fi satire and the 2014 remake and where it went wrong and how it might have been ahead of its time as well.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 299 includes:

-R.I.P. Yaphet Kotto, Jessica Walter, George Segal, and maybe Thomas Middleditch's career

-New "The Suicide Squad" trailer with more "the."

-Ben challenges Nate to watch Netflix's "Secret Magic Control Agency" as homework.

-The Oscar-nominated "Another Round" is a curious fizzle.

- Canadian horror comedy "Slaxx" is stretched out.

-Remakin' It -- "RoboCop"

-The guys sing the praises of the 1987 Paul Verhoeven original and find new meaning and relevancy with the unheralded 2014 remake.

Direct download: pitch_299.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are spending the ENTIRE PODCAST, nearly two hours, to discuss Zack Snyder's fabled "Snyder cut," the four-hour new version of 2017's "Justice League" superhero movie. The guys explain why bigger isn't exactly better and how they actually have a strange new appreciation for the 2017 version.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Direct download: pitch_298.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 10:08pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking into two very different movies from very different directors that both disappointed them, in somewhat different ways. "The Virgin Spring" is an Oscar-winning rape revenge film from Igmar Bergman, and it was remade into a low-budget 1972 exploitation movie by Wes Craven, the hugely successful "Last House on the Left." The guys watch both and discuss the problems in both and especially the issues of tone and execution with the remake somehow considered a genre classic.

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Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches

Episode 297 includes:

-Conservatives and the false uproar over cancel culture extending to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Pepe LePew and Lola Bunny.

-Nate and Ben discuss the full-spoiler season of the MCU TV series "WandaVision."

-"Boss Level" is a living video game of a movie.

-"Raya and the Last Dragon" is an enjoyable fantasy franchise from Disney.

-Remakin' It -- "The Virgin Spring" / "Last House on the Left"

-The guys talk about the Igmar Bergman 1960 Swedish original and the atrocious 1972 remake that serves as the film debut of Wes Craven. Yikes.

Direct download: pitch_297.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 8:51pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking to see how comedy handles the remake process with their Remakin' It series this week. The guys examine the 1988 con caper "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" and the much less beloved 2019 remake, "The Hustle." It's a textbook example of how hard comedy can be even if you're repeating someone else's funny material near beat-for-beat.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches

Episode 296 includes:

-Hope you like the return of box-sized movies, Snyder Cut Apologists, because your "Justice League" opus got scrunched for your home televisions. 

-"Monster Hunter" is excuse-free monster pulp.

-Nate says the Russo brothers' Marvel-follow-up "Cherry" is all style and little substance (butthole POV shot!).

-Ben bemoans the existence of "Tom and Jerry."

-Remakin' It -- "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"

-The guys talk about the delightful 1988 Michael Caine and Steve Martin con artist comedy and the extremely lesser imitation from 2019 with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson.

Direct download: pitch_296.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 9:53am EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking at more remakes through 2021, this time the horror film "The Wicker Man" that taught us al to fear and loathe wicker. The guys watch the 1973 film for the first time, for both of them, and then try and make sense of the 2006 remake and whether it actually might be an improvement over the heralded original.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches

Episode 295 includes:

-R.I.P. Rush Limbaugh, a man who made the world a worse place.

-Trailer reactions for "Cruella" and "Mortal Kombat."

-Sia's much-maligned autism musical "Music" gets an unexpected defender with Ben.

-The guys fall in love with Netflix's "Street Sweepers."

-Remakin' It -- "The Wicker Man"

-The guys discuss the 1973 original, whether it is deserving of its classic status, and the 2006 Nicolas Cage "so bad it's good" remake and whether it is deserving of that status as well.

Direct download: pitch_295.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are furthering their newest segment on their podcast as they look at movie originals and their remakes. This week it's creepy crawly 1982 nightmare-fuel classic "The Thing" and its CGI-laden prequel/remake in 2011. Do either hold up?

Available on Apple and Spotify

Check us out at Patreon.com/Dirtysonsofpitches

Episode 294 includes:

-R.I.P. Christopher Plummer and the future careers of Gina Carano and Joss Whedon.

-Nate recommends "The Father" and "Judas and the Black Messiah."

-Ben loves "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar." Really.

-Ben says "Willy's Wonderland" is just about everything you'd want in a Five Nights at Freddy's movie.

-Remakin' It -- "The Thing"

-The guys relive the 1982 John Carpenter body horror classic and the far lesser prequel/remake from 2011.

Direct download: pitch_294.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are starting a new double-feature option for their podcast and that's watching an original movie and then its remake. This week is the hostage thriller "The Taking of Pelham 123" and the guys watch the 1974 original and the 2009 Hollywood remake. Will one outshine the other? Will Ben become incensed? Listen and find out.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches

Episode 293 includes:

-More movies are delayed even longer. Repeat.

-Lots and lots of R.I.P.'s this episode.

-Ben declares "Psycho Goreman" the greatest film of all time.

-"The Little Things" is a 90s serial killer movie that feels left behind.

-Remakin' It - "The Taking of Pelham 123"

-The guys discuss the 1974 original, which is one of Ben's favorite films, and the abysmal 2009 Tony Scott remake starring John Travolta and Denzel Washington.

Direct download: pitch_293.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 3:41pm EST