Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have fulfilled a long-delayed promise and finally, at long last, watched the 1962 and 2004 "Manchurian Candidate," and surprise, they enjoyed both quite a lot. The 1962 original is definitely ahead of its time in approach and technique, and the 2004 remake is relevant for our times as well as finds ways to make some improvements.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 305 includes:

-AT&T is selling Warner Media to Discovery.

-R.I.P. Charles Grodin. May you meet all the Beethovens in heaven.

-Trailer reactions to "Hotel Transylvania 4" and "Dear Evan Hanson."

-"Oxygen" is a contained thriller that could have done more by ironically doing less.

-"The Woman in the Window" has a twist that Ben guessed in its opening SECONDS.

-Remakin' It -- "The Manchurian Candidate"

-The political thriller about an unwitting American sleeper agent caught in a dangerous conspiracy and it's actually a very good movie from 1962 and a quite good thriller from 2004. They've done it, they've found a movie that succeeds as an original and as a remake!

Direct download: pitch_305.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 6:40am EST

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