Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are all about Westerns this week as they embrace Eric's favorite genre. After pitching their own Westerns, the gang play a new game, Versus, where they tack an actor and pit two of their roles against one another in a duel. Along the way the guys get distracted tlaking about apocalypse by sloth, the use of "antithetical," starting off right with your "hellos," the metaphor of Nicole Kidman peeing on Zac Efron, the power of lieracy against the mentally ill and homocidal, the physicality needed to be a serial killer, and the disadvantages of having your head chopped off.

Also available on iTunes!

Episode 36 includes:

-J.J. Abrams will direct "Star Wars," so how many lens flares should we expect?

-Despite disliking "donnie Darko," Eric watches "Southland Tales" for some reason.

-"Seeking a Friend for the End of the World": Do you save the heroin addiction for the final day?

-Ben reaches new lows of despairity talking about "The Paperboy" and "The Master," his worst films of 2012.

-This Week's Pitch -- Westerns!

-Eric pitches "The Crow" set during the Wild West.

-Nate pitches a neo-Western with today's bankers as your villainous black hats.

-Ben pitches a monster reunion Western as well as adapts "Les Miserables" as a Western.

-This Week's Game -- Versus!

-In this new game, an actor is chosen and then two roles he or she played will duke it out for hypothetical supremacy. They pit roles from Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe, and Christopher Walken.

Send your feedback, suggestions, and love letters to pitchcast@yahoo.com

Direct download: pitch_36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13pm EST

It's the second week of the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" spotlight on favorite genres, and this week it's Nate's turn to revel in one of his -- film noir. The guys then play a reverse version of Disney-fy It by transforming Disney animated films into film noir settings. Along the way they talk about the magic logistics of "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" and perfecting the perfect child, whether we should celebrate celebrity failures, the weird possibility of Channing Tatum in blackface in "Magic Mike," Ben's theory as to why Nate truly loves "Silver Linings Playbook" (hint: Jennifer Lawrence and Lycra), the comical scheduling misfortune for "Gangster Squad" with public shootings, Nick Nolte's similarity to bears, a naked P.I., Belle's Stockholm syndrome in "Beauty and the Beast," and reasons why the "Inspector Gagdet" movie failed as relates to film noir.

Also available on iTunes!

Episode 35 includes:

-Ben's Nazi dream: what does it mean? Probably exactly what you think.

-Manti Te'o: why should we care? Also, can car accidents cause leukemia?

-Ben compares "Silver Linings Playbook" to an indie Adam Sandler movie.

-"Gangster Squad": like "The Unotuchables" and "L.A. Confidential" had a baby missing vital crhomosomes.

-This Week's Pitch -- Film Noir!

-Nate pitches a kid detective, a noir obsessive narrating his own adventures, and a mysterious case about a certain someone with a missing girlfriend.

-Ben pitches a lot of ideas including a sci-fi/fantasy detective, "Sam Phibian."

-Eric pitches a superhero detective and a heist gone wrong, told through the POV of a dying dude.

-This Week's Game -- De-Disney-fy It!

-The guys translate "Beauty and the Beast," "The Lion King," and "Brave" into film noirs.

      Send your feedback, suggestions, and love letters to pitchcast@yahoo.com

Direct download: pitch_35.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

And they're back with part two, folks. Listen to the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" finish what they started in podcast 33, finally getting around to their pitches for Nazi-sploitation films and a game of the Gut Check Challenge.

Also available on iTunes!

This Week's Pitch -- Nazi-sploitation!

-Eric pitches the ultimate battleS: Nazis vs. Blackula!

-Nate pitches a horror thriller where pregnant women ar einseminated with the sperm of Hitler!

-Ben pitches a Fantastic Voyage into the body of hitler, as well as many others.

-This Week's Game -- Gut Check Challenge!

-The guys compete to outbid how many movies with specific actors they can name.

           Send your feedback, suggestions, and love letters to pitchcast@yahoo.com

Direct download: pitch_34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:38pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and have so much to say that we had to halve this week's episode. Part One concerns the recent Oscar nominations as well as the boys rehashing their thoughts on the movies they've seen since the break. They often get sidetracked with silliness, as they do, so get used to Ben arguing an ethical stance against "Zero Dark Thirty" and its depiction of toture one minute and the next the guys giggling over the concept of a porno version of "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" which alos happens to star Maggie Smith. Stay tuned in the next couple days for Part Two which will contain this week's pitch and game.

Also available on iTunes!

Direct download: pitch_33.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37pm EST