Dirty Sons of Pitches

If you think you've seen the weirdest movies of all time, unless you've watched the 210 film "Final Flesh," you are living a lie. Ben and Nate check out the experimental, absurdist movie that is composed of four different segments, produced by amatuer porn-for-hire productions, creating a surreal masterwork that truly needs to be seen to be believed. God bless these performers and their sincerity. Nate and Ben talk about the nature of kink, the amatuer erotica industry and niches, and whether or not to farm out your own scripts to these for-hire performers.

Direct download: final_flesh.mp3
Category:What the Hell Did We Just Watch? -- posted at: 5:47pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have much to discuss following the 2016 Oscar nominations, most notably the second year in a row there are all white acting nominees and the response to this controversy. In honor of "Ride Along 2" coming out in theaters, one of Ben's least favorite films of 2014, the guys pitch awful sequels for the worst films of 2015. They wrap up their rewatch of season one of 'Z Nation" and in general explore all number of tangents.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 131 includes:

-Ben and Nate theorize that we'll all someday turn into actor Jay Davison (The Crying Game, Stargate) as a species.

-What's white and white and white all over? The Oscar nominees! The guys take an in depth discussion that goes deep into the idea of diversity, representation, artistic merit and vision, what's the definition of "supporting" for performance, and what constitutes art.

-Ben and Nate return back to musings over "Hateful Eight" and "Revenant."

-Nate thinks Michael Bay's Benghazi movie is the director at his most restraint. There's only obnoxious product placement rather than in-your-face obnoxious product placement. Progress.

-Ben is surprised to find "Daddy's Home" to be kinda funny and fairly passable and "Sisters" to be an awful comedy.

-This Week's Pitch -- Sequels to Worst Films of 2015!

-The guys pitch terrible sequels to some of the worst films from the previous year, exploring whether there is a bottom for such movies like "Human Centipede," "Joe Dirt," and "Minions."

-Bonus Discussion: 'Z Nation' Re-watch (episodes 1x11-13)

-Ben and Nate finish their season one recap of SyFy's zombie TV series.

Direct download: pitch_131.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are starting 2016 by looking back on some of the bigger awards releases carrying over from the previous year, like "The Revenant." They pitch a variety of survival stories big and small, physical and psychological, and get back to watching SyFy's zombie series "Z Nation" as the first season begins to wrap up. 

Also available on iTunes.

Episode 130 includes:

-What's the best Brett Ratner film? Do these words even make sense?

-Ben lays bare why he blames the success of "Star Wars" for the decline of society.

-Ever wonder what Tyler Perry's Madea would be like as a cartoon?

-Nate says "Carol" is an unrequited romance that is understated to death.

-Ben and Nate find "The Revenant" to be an endurance experience. Ben rejects Leo's Oscar attention and prefers the angry bear.

-This Week's Pitch -- Survival Stories!

-Ben pitches a super-power kill-or-be-killed facility, Cast away with two dudes, and a crazy scout leader who hunts down his scouts for sport.

-Nate pitches a teacher who survived a school shooting incident who may be more involved than believed.

-Bonus Discussion: 'Z Nation' Re-Watch (episodes 1x09-10)

-The guys are back to watching and discussing the first season of SyFy's zombie series. This week they skip the worst episode in the show's history.

Direct download: pitch_130.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

Recorded in conjunction with part one, the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are continuing their look at the most memorable films of 2015 along with special guests Eric and George. This time they're looking at the worst of the worst and making their case why these cinematic abominations are worth skipping. The gang also takes the advantage of having more than two recording members to play a return game of the Gut-Check Challenge to ring in the new year right.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 129 includes:

-Ben, Nate, Eric, and George detail their selections for the ten worst films of 2015. Only one movie will appear on all four lists.

-The guys make their picks for overrated and underrated movies from 2015.

This Week's Game -- Gut-Check Challenge!

-George joins Ben and Nate for a round of the game where they take turns betting how many movie titles they can name from a selected actor. How many can you name for Bruce Dern then, huh?

Direct download: pitch_129.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:39pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are taking stock of the year 2015 in movies. Ben and Nate have reassembled original podcast member Eric and special guests George to run through their personal lists of the best movies from 2015. There's plenty of discussion over movies that have yet to be talked over, including "The Hateful Eight," "Anomalisa," and especially the newest "Star Wars," "The Force Awakens." Oh does that one bring out the fury. The podcast was so long we broke it into two parts, so stay tuned for the forthcoming Part Two which will cover the lows of 2015, the ten worst films.

Also available on iTunes.

Episode 128 includes:

-Ben, Nate, Eric, and George count down their lists of the ten best films of 2015.

Direct download: pitch_128.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm EST