Dirty Sons of Pitches

We're back and we've brought the third member of our crew, Eric. The threesome discuss the name change to "Dirty Sons of Pitches", talk about recent movies seen, and then play their series of movie-related games while bouncing around a series of ridiculous ideas like Transformers going against the Bible, twist endings becoming twist middles, and zombie nature documentaries narrated by Morgan Freeman.

Also available on iTunes!

Episode 2 features:

-We've become a global phenomenon (we know you're listening, Queen Elizabeth)

-The gang introduces a new system of math

-Eric and Ben debate Michael Bay's changes to the Ninja Turtle origins

-Nate and Eric discuss their reactions to "The Hunger Games" film, Ben admits to watching "Jack and Jill" and on purpose

-This Week's Pitch -- Zombie-fy It!

-Ben renanimates the zombie genre with ten original pitches

-Nate shares his past dalliance with zombie pornography

-This Week's Game -- Porno-ize It!

-The gang adapts "The Hunger Games" into a porn parody

-Sticking to the youthful age of participants -- does that count as "artistic integrity"?-

Direct download: pitch_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50am EDT

Welcome to the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" ladies and gentlemen of the Interwebs. Our inaugural show introduces the world to regular hosts Nate and Ben as they talk shop with movies and play a series of movie-related games while bouncing around a series of ridiculous ideas such as why the "B" encyclopedia section was cherished, Dirk Dinklage, and Ben's Super Mario Brothers fan ficiton. Yes, you read that right -- Super Mario Brothers fan fiction.

 Also available on iTunes!

Episode 1 features:

-The implications of the absence of encyclopedias

-Ben's "special four-leaf-clover hat"

-Dispute over the ape revolution

-Discussion over "Silent House" and gimmicks, HBO's "Game Change"

-This Week's Pitch -- Sequelize It!

"Pluto Nash Meets Dave in Geosynchronous Norbit"

-Eddie Murphy: a force more powerful than God?

-This Week's Game -- Defend Yourself!

Ben defends "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"

Nate defends the "Super Mario Bros." movie


Direct download: pitch_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:23pm EDT