Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are bundling up during the winter col and polar vortexes and getting lost in the combined cinematic universes of different directors. In honor of "Glass," the guys pitch on the spot shared universes for the films of various directors. Then they end things with America's favorite game, "So Shalit Be," and once again imitate the highly imitateable Gene Shalit to come up with film blurbs for movies covered

Available on iTunes.

Episode 230 includes:

-More bad news for Bryan Singer but will it matter to the people with money?

-Oscar nominations are here and Ben doesn't care.

-The feel-good film "Stan & Ollie" answers the question of what John C. Reilly would look like in a big fat suit.

-"Glass" may not have been worth an 18-year wait for fans, but it's still entertaining.

-This Week's Pitch -- Directorial Shared Universes!

-The guys pitch shared stories for the films of Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese,

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys go back through the movies of the episode and produce Gene Shalit-quality blurbs for each that inevitably descend into madness.

Direct download: Episode_230.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are going without their blindfolds to explain the popularity of "Bird Box," the new Netflix horror thriller where everyone, including your mother, has watched it and has soemthing to say. In honor of the new January release "Escape Room," the guys pitch movies to be adapted into real-life escape rooms and how it would best work. To round out the episode, the guys play America's favorite game, "So Shalit Be," and ring in the new year right.

Available on iTunes

Episode 229 includes:

-Kevin Hart may come back to the Oscars, Louis C.K. may come back, but are both wanted at this time?

-Ben shockingly loved "Holmes and Watson." No joke.

-"The Mule" does NOT involve Clint Eastwood putting drugs up his butt. You've been warned.

-"Bird Box" is a Netflix sensation and it's... not really that good.

-This Week's Pitch - Movie Escape Rooms!

-The guys pitch movies to be applied to the escape room concept, including "Panic Room," "The Shining," "Saw" and "Cube," and "Jurassic Park."

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys take the movies reviewed on this week's show and give them the ole Gene Shalit blurb/madness treatment that icnreasingly becomes more insane and vulgar.

Direct download: pitch_229.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are revealing their favorite and least favorites films of 2018. Stick around as they debate the highest highs, lowest lows and whether "A Wrinkle in Time" or "Mary Poppins" were originally good sources to begin with.

Available on Tunes.

Episode 228 includes:

-The Best films of 2018

-Overrated and Underrated films

-The Worst films of 2018

-The Rooney Mara Eats a Pie Award for the Best/Worst sequences of 2018

Direct download: pitch_228.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are readying their best and worst films of 2018, but before they get into the particulars they have some news items and other films to review. This is Part One of the massive end of the year retrospective that was too big for one podcast. Part Two will be uploaded shortly but until then enjoy the boys trying to make sense of Kevin Spacey, "The Playmobil Movie," "Show Dogs," and "Welcome to Marwen" and other 2018 moments of curiosity.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 227 includes:

-Kevin Spacey is not going away quietly and it's utterly bizarre. Will he monologue to the cameras in court?

-Trailer reactions to Jordan Peele's "Us," "Brightburn," and the "Lego Movie" ripoff, "The Playmobil Movie."

-The guys have finally watched "Show Dogs" and lived to tell the tale.

-"Welcome to Marwen" is powerfully misguided.

-Surprisingly, "Hotel Transylvania 3" and "Smallfoot" are both good films about tolerance and the power of skepticism.

Stay tuned for Part Two -- Best/Worst of 2018 Film!

Direct download: pitch_227.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:01pm EST