Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" welcome back special guest and "Saturday Night Jive" podcaster George who has devised a special game just for them. He's been eager for weeks to talk about the strange experience that is "The Book of Henry" and has come up with a game to best illustrate the even more strange paths the movie takes. The guys round out the episode with another round of their pun-heavy game So Shalit Be and mourn the loss of Harry Dean Stanton in a typically insufficient way.

Available on iTunes

Episode 189 includes:

-Our long national nightmare is over: J.J. Abrams is returning to direct "Star Wars: Episode 9."

-Nate finds Darren Aronfosky's "mother!" to be an interesting allegory, but knows it will be hated.

-George cites two 2017 movies that stuck with him, "The Circle" for all the wrong reasons and "Wakefield" for all the right reasons.

-This Week's Game I -- And Then...?

-George describes sections of the plot of "The Book of Henry" and asks Ben and Nate to predict what will happen next. they are often wrong as this movie reveals itself to be absurdly wrong-headed.

-This Week's Game II -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys take their turns coming up with Gene Shalit-worthy blurbs for the likes of "Room," "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World," "Hackers," and more.

Direct download: pitch_189.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07am EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are celebrating the latest Stephen King adaptation, the killer clown film breaking all sorts of box-office records, "It." In honor of that movie, the guys are pitching stories about kids against monsters of all types. Stick around for the off-the-cuff conversation tangents like comparing the current "Star Wars" morass to Vietnam, Ben's face blindness with a very specific kind of actor, how a Jabba the Hutt movie could work, the difference between kids who act and kid actors, and a scientific breakdown which role in the human centipede is actually the worst.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 188 includes:

-Colin Treverrow is out at "Star Wars" and Kathleen Kennedy puts another head on her wall. Seriously, what is going on over there?

-Drew Goddard comes in to save the X-Universe right as it appears headed back to dormancy.

-"It Comes at Night" is a victim of misleading marketing and an ending that's just sort of... there. Hint: a plague comes out in daytime too.

-The guys absolutely adore "It" 2017.

-This Week's Pitch -- Kids vs. Monsters!

-Nate pitches an abusive priest who swears his bad deeds are really the demon inside him, so a group of his victims kidnap him and attempt an exorcism.

-Ben pitches killer Jack-O-Lanterns, kids trying to live it up at a murderous summer camp, and ninja kids thrown into a battle they are ill-prepared for.

Direct download: pitch_188.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:56pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are examining phobias and fears for the upcoming clown-centric Stephen King horror movie, "It." They end the episode playing a game of So Shalit Be, where they imitate famed critic Gene Shalit and come up with pun-laden blurbs for upcoming fall movies. Learn much about what Ben thinks about white washing, Michael Fassbender's legacy, whether he could live in the Matrix, where the new "Tomb Raider" movie has gone wrong, and what's really at stake with America.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 187 includes:

-The box-office is at a twenty-year low. How did we get here? Remember Tarsem?

-RIP Tobe Hooper and your crazy horror movies.

-Warner Bros wants Leonardo DiCaprio to play its other Joker. Don't think he's getting out of a supermodel's legs for this one.

-If you like weird whimsy, "Dave Made a Maze" is a DIY delight.

-"Tulip Fever" unleashes a debate over the overall attractiveness of Alicia Vikander and sides are drawn.

-This Week's Pitch -- Phobias!

-Nate pitches a teenager with a phobia of young people who lives in a senior center.

-Ben pitches lots of horror phobia concepts, including a serial killer obsessed with the number 13 and a woman who wakes up on a plane filled with a suicide cult.

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys try and determine what pun-loving film critic Gene Shalit would think of some upcoming movies this fall.

Direct download: pitch_187.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are doing their best to try and understand what exactly is happening at the Warner Bros offices right now as news item after news item seems to confirm that nobody knows what to do with their DC superhero properties. The guys speculate about the avalanche of prospective news, chat about Joss Whedon's turn of events, the passing of comedy legend Jerry Lewis, and in honor of the live-action "Death Note" film on Netflix, they answer a series of challenging moral questions.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 186 includes:

-Jerry Lewis has died... now when do we get to see "The Day the Clown Cried"?

-WB and DC throw anything at everything at the wall to see what sticks, and Joss Whedon's wife comes forward to argue he is no feminist.

-The new animated Batman and Harley Quinn movie betrays the animated series... and it's got fart jokes too and... rape?

-Nate declares "The Only Living Boy in New York" to be insufferable hipster prattle.

-The Netflix "Death Note" movie is about as disappointing as you knew it would be.

-This Week's Pitch -- None!

-This Week's Game -- Moral Quandaries!

-Ben quizzes Nate on a series of challenging questions inspired by the moral quandary at heart with "Death Note." Nate learns just how far he'll go for money.

Direct download: pitch_186.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20am EST