Dirty Sons of Pitches (This Meets That)

While we wait for another "Dirty Sons of Pitches" recording, Ben has taken it upon himself to record several solo podcasts of himself playing the familiar game of This Meets That, watching and discussing two movies and then combining them for an original pitch. For the next episode of this bonus series, Ben is watching the OTHER atom bomb development movie, 1989's "Fat Man and Little Boy," and 1957's "The Story of Mankind" which features the Devil and God arguing over mankind and co-starring Vincent Price and the Marx Brothers. Ben discusses both movies in depth then combines elements from both movies to pitch a brand-new project. 

Avaialble on Spotify and Apple

Direct download: This_Meets_That_-_I_Am_Become_Death.mp3
Category:This Meets That -- posted at: 7:33am EST

While we wait for another "Dirty Sons of Pitches" recording, Ben has taken it upon himself to record several solo podcasts of himself playing the familiar game of This Meets That, watching and discussing two movies and then combining them for an original pitch. For the next episode of this bonus series, Ben is watching 2016's video game adaptation "Assassin's Creed" and discusses the nature of gatekeepeing and fan voracity, and then has a whole lot of fun discussing the Tarantino knockoff "Razor Blade Smile" from 1998. Ben discusses both movies in depth then combines elements from both movies to pitch a brand-new project. 

Avaialble on Spotify and Apple

Direct download: Blood_On_The_Wheel.mp3
Category:This Meets That -- posted at: 1:21pm EST

While we wait for another "Dirty Sons of Pitches" recording, Ben has taken it upon himself to record several solo podcasts of himself playing the familiar game of This Meets That, watching and discussing two movies and then combining them for an original pitch. For the third episode of this bonus series, Ben is watching 1990's dark fantasy "Night Breed" directed by Clive Barker, and also 2008's "The Spirit" directed by Frank Miller doing his best to blast his Sin City-style all over Will Eisner's original work. Ben discusses both movies in depth and his levels of disspointment with both an then combines elements from both movies to pitch a brand-new project. 

Avaialble on Spotify and Apple






























combines key elements to pitch a new movie.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Direct download: This_Meets_That_-_03_-_The_After_Men.mp3
Category:This Meets That -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

While we wait for another "Dirty Sons of Pitches" recording, Ben has taken it upon himself to record several solo podcasts of himself playing the familiar game of This Meets That, watching and discussing two movies and then combining them for an original pitch. For the second episode of this bonus series, Ben is watching 2008's violent sexy action mayhem, "Wanted," based on the Mark Milar comic he'll definitely mention more than once, and Peter Jackson's 1996 supernatural dark comedy thriller "The Frighteners" with Michael J. Fox scamming people with the help of ghosts before finding a more menacing spectre. Ben discusses both movies in depth and combines key elements to pitch a movie about a man traveling back in time to interfere with his family history and his own existence. 

Available on Apple and Spotify

Direct download: This_Meets_That_-_02_-_Unfinished_Business1.mp3
Category:This Meets That -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

While we wait for another "Dirty Sons of Pitches" recording, Ben has taken it upon himself to record several solo podcasts of himself playing the familiar game of This Meets That, watching and discussing two movies and then combining them for an original pitch. For the introduction episode of this bonus series, Ben is watching 2014's "Ned Rifle," the third in Hal Hartley's indie trilogy, this time following an adult trying to locate and kill his absent father for ruining his mother. He pairs it with 2011's "Ticking Clock," a time travel thriller with Cuba Gooding Jr. Ben discusses both movies in depth and combines key elements to pitch a movie about a man traveling back in time to interfere with his family history and his own existence. 

Available on Apple and Spotify

Direct download: This_Meets_That_-_01_-_Deadbeat_Dad.mp3
Category:This Meets That -- posted at: 11:46am EST