Tue, 29 September 2020
As a bonus to DSOP fans, enjoy one of the newest editions of Ben's solo podcast venture "The Anthologist" and the special series "This Meets That" where he watches two different movies and then tries to combine them into a hybrid pitch, and this episode involves 0% Rotten Tomatoes alum "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever" and the quite problematic comedy "Dr. Jekyl and Ms. Hyde." Make sure to subscribe to Ben's podcast to hear more weekly. Available on Spotify and iTunes
Direct download: This_Meets_That_0006_-_Ballistic__Ecks_Vs._Sever_meets_Dr._Jekyll_And_Ms._Hyde.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Mon, 28 September 2020
As a bonus to fans, Ben and George have combed through 237 episodes of their podcast "Saturday Night Jive" and formed a list of what they consider to be the best movies they have watched in their six years of recording together. This serves as a Greatest Hits sort of episode with plenty of clips from many of the highlighted movies, many bizarre and lesser known. For anyone wanting a sense of the wild highs of Ben and George's SNL-devoted podcast, give this podcast a listen and laugh along with the guys. Available on Spotify and iTunes
Direct download: 237___The_Completely_Self-Indulgent_Podcast_Part_1__-_The_Best_Movies_Of_Saturday_Night_Jive.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 7:00am EST
Sun, 27 September 2020
![]() The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking at one of the bets comedies, a favorite of Ben's, for this week's classic film, 1966's "The Fortune Cookie," and one of the biggest bombs of all time, the infamous 1986 "Howard the Duck" adaptation. Available on Spotify and iTunes Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches Episode 279 includes: -Will the box-office disappointment over "Tenet" scare studios from releasing any big blockbusters into theaters for the forseeable future? -"The Babysitter: Killer Queen" suffers from Sequel-itis. -"Antebellum" and "Cuties" are both controversial movies that have more going on than their critics decry. -Classic Film -- "The Fortune Cookie" (1966) -Billy Wilder's farce starring an Oscar-winning Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon and it's still an enjoyably chummy comedy that fires on many cylinders. -Cult Film -- "Howard the Duck" (1986) -The notorious FIRST Marvel movie about an alien duck, a lot of duck puns, an unrestrained Tim Robbins, a punk band, a demon-posessed Jeffrey Jones, and the question over the terror of duck genitalia. It's very, very bad and not deserving of reappraisal.
Tue, 15 September 2020
![]() The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking backwards to a time that was looking forward, dreaming of the future and all the fun adventures we'd have battling robots and possibly Nazis. The guys are looking at Disney's 1991 adventure movie "The Rocketeer" or this week's classic and the throwback to adventures of old for the cult movie, 2004's "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow." Available on iTunes and Sportify Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches Episode 278 includes: -The Academy is changing its rules for Best Picture nominees to force inclusivity into the movies. -They've finally seen the live-action "Mulan" and it is most definitely not worth an additional $30 charge. -"I'm Thinking of Ending Things" is an appropriate title for Charlie Kaufman's surreal Netflix film. -Classic Movie -- "The Rocketeer" (1991 ) -Director Joe Johnston's adaptation of the comic, a classic tale of boy finds rocket pack and fights Nazis. -Cult Movie -- "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (2004) -An adventure looking back at Old Hollywood as its filmed with state-of-the-art special effects to make itself look... blurry and muddy and unrefined.
Thu, 3 September 2020
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are exploring some of the more peculiar, unknowable, and perverse elements of humanity this week with their classic and cult movies. First comes 1974's controversial "The Night Porter" where a Holocaust survivor takes on a relationship with her former Nazi abuser, and then the cult movie is 1986's "From Beyond," a Stuart Gordon follow-up to "re-animator," this time based upon an H.P. Lovecraft short story. Available on iTunes and Spotify Check us out at Patreon/com/dirtysonsofpitches Episode 277 includes: -R.I.P. Chadwick Boseman. -"The One and Only Ivan" would have been better ditcing the talking animals and being a documentary. -Nate is charmed but Ben is not by "Bill and Ted Face the Music" -Classic Movie -- "The Night Porter" (1974) -The controversial high-art Nazisploitation doomed romance is really far more boring and far less interesting than it has any right to be with this premise. -Cult Movie -- "From Beyond" (1986) -Lovecraft madness, body horror, sexual perversions, gross practical effects, it's all here, plus Barbara Compston in bondage gear.