Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are exploring some of the more peculiar, unknowable, and perverse elements of humanity this week with their classic and cult movies. First comes 1974's controversial "The Night Porter" where a Holocaust survivor takes on a relationship with her former Nazi abuser, and then the cult movie is 1986's "From Beyond," a Stuart Gordon follow-up to "re-animator," this time based upon an H.P. Lovecraft short story.

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Episode 277 includes:

-R.I.P. Chadwick Boseman.

-"The One and Only Ivan" would have been better ditcing the talking animals and being a documentary.

-Nate is charmed but Ben is not by "Bill and Ted Face the Music"

-Classic Movie -- "The Night Porter" (1974)

-The controversial high-art Nazisploitation doomed romance is really far more boring and far less interesting than it has any right to be with this premise.

-Cult Movie -- "From Beyond" (1986)

-Lovecraft madness, body horror, sexual perversions, gross practical effects, it's all here, plus Barbara Compston in bondage gear.

Direct download: pitch_277.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST