Tue, 16 February 2021
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are furthering their newest segment on their podcast as they look at movie originals and their remakes. This week it's creepy crawly 1982 nightmare-fuel classic "The Thing" and its CGI-laden prequel/remake in 2011. Do either hold up? Available on Apple and Spotify Check us out at Patreon.com/Dirtysonsofpitches Episode 294 includes: -R.I.P. Christopher Plummer and the future careers of Gina Carano and Joss Whedon. -Nate recommends "The Father" and "Judas and the Black Messiah." -Ben loves "Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar." Really. -Ben says "Willy's Wonderland" is just about everything you'd want in a Five Nights at Freddy's movie. -Remakin' It -- "The Thing" -The guys relive the 1982 John Carpenter body horror classic and the far lesser prequel/remake from 2011.
Thu, 4 February 2021
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are starting a new double-feature option for their podcast and that's watching an original movie and then its remake. This week is the hostage thriller "The Taking of Pelham 123" and the guys watch the 1974 original and the 2009 Hollywood remake. Will one outshine the other? Will Ben become incensed? Listen and find out. Available on Apple and Spotify Check us out at Patreon.com/dirtysonsofpitches Episode 293 includes: -More movies are delayed even longer. Repeat. -Lots and lots of R.I.P.'s this episode. -Ben declares "Psycho Goreman" the greatest film of all time. -"The Little Things" is a 90s serial killer movie that feels left behind. -Remakin' It - "The Taking of Pelham 123" -The guys discuss the 1974 original, which is one of Ben's favorite films, and the abysmal 2009 Tony Scott remake starring John Travolta and Denzel Washington.