Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are getting smaller as this week they get a jump on "any-Man" with pitches focusing on shrinking stories or incredibly tiny worlds. Beforehand, they have much to discuss with the response to the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" sequel, and this week's game relates, a Vanity Project with "Avengers" writer/director, Joss Whedon.

Also available on iTunes.

Episode 110 includes:

-The guys come up with the next "National Treasure" premise.

-The firestorm behind "Avengers" and feminism is justified and also pre-existing. Why don't we have a Black Widow movie already?

-"It Follows" creeps Nate out but bores Ben.

-Nate says "Age of Adeline" is surprisingly decent; Ben says "Strange Magic" is surprisingly delightful. Who knew?

-This Week's Pitch -- Incredible Shrinking Stories!

-Nate pitches a world where the rich hire immigrant laborers to shrink down to tiny sizes to scrub out their internal organs to stay healthy.

-Ben pitches tiny people nudging you onto your fate's path, and a serial killer who shrinks down to kill.

-This Week's Game -- Vanity Project!

-The guys come up with movie and TV options for Joss Whedon now that he's leaving "The Avengers" franchise.

Direct download: pitch_110.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once again watching the worst of the worst, this time a low-budget (veeeeeeery low-budget) Canadian superhero film that feels like a knockoff of a knockoff. Watch adults in masks and constumes talk in monotone! Watch ineffective action and gunplay! Watch... or don't, just losten to Ben and Nate rehash the pain of this movie. The guys also chat about recent film news and review "Avengers: Age of Ulrton," so just consider this the all-Avengers podcast.

Also available on iTunes.

Direct download: avenging_force.mp3
Category:What the Hell Did We Just Watch? -- posted at: 8:09pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are bookin' suspects this week with a podcast where they pitch police themed shows and movies, in dubious honor of the new "Paul Blart" sequel. This week's game is a return of Movies Against Humanity and a return to the madness and pop-culture analysis that you've come to expect after 100 podcasts with these gentlemen.

Also available in iTunes.

Episode 109 includes:

-The Scatman can. The Scatman. Can. (cue endless scatting)

-Reactions to "Batman vs Superman" trailer are decidedly... dour.

-"Get Hard" is as unfunny and homophobic as its dumb title promises.

-Netflix's "Daredevil" erases the bad taste of the Ben Affleck film. Mostly.

-This Week's Pitch -- Cop Movies/Shows!

-Ben pitches a found footage film from police body cameras, a procedural where a new drug reveals a supernatural killer, and a giant spider monster that stalks the streets for justice.

-Nate pitches a crime thriller where a U.S. MP and a former Iraqi Republican Guard investigator must work together in recent post-war Iraq to catch a killer of women.

-This Week's Game -- Movies Against Humanity!

-The guys compete arguing which film titles are best represented in a series of categories, much like Cards Against Humanity.

Direct download: pitch_109.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:18am EST