Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are facing a civil war but the best kind, Marvel's "Captain America: Civil War," an excellent new addition to the MCU. They pitch properties related to bad breakups in honor of Team Cap vs. Team Iron Man and then take a turn discussing the first two episodes of CW's "Flash" under the idea it could be a regular segment (it won't be).

Available on iTunes.

Episode 142 includes:

-Would you wait 100 years to see a Robert Rodriguez movie? Get ready for a century of unmet disappointment.

-More DC fallout from "Batman v. Superman" and Affleck's Batman.

-Ben says "High Rise" wants to be Snowpiercer in a building but doesn't quite work.

-Nate and Ben rave about "Civil War" and say it does everything right that "Batman vs. Superman" did wrong.

-This Week's Pitch -- Bad Breakups!

-Ben pitches a biopic of No Doubt, a remake of the Burning Bed, and a Scott Pilgrim-like world of a club of wronged ex-boyfriends.

-Nate pitches a group of friends trying to sabotage their one friend's relationship because even though he has found happiness he and his girlfriend are extremely annoying now.

-Bonus Discussion: The Flash (episodes 1x01 & 02)

-The guys discuss the CW comic book hero's starring vehicle

Direct download: pitch_142.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" learn a thing or two about vengeance this week thanks to the thematic link of the movie "Wild Tales," a rip-roaring Argentinian movie made up of a series of vengeance-laden shorts. The guys pitch projects centered around revenge in many forms. They also play another round of the game Movies Against Humanity.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 141 includes:

-Does the upcoming DC movie lineup, and its new turmoil at Warner Brothers, resemble a slate of "I Love Lucy" episodes to anyone else? No? Okay.

-Alicia Vikander (Everyone's 2015 crush) slips on the short shorts for Lara Croft.

-"Wild Tales" is a movie that every human being needs to see.

-Keanu is an adorable kitten. Also "Keanu" is a fairly funny movie by Key & Peele.

-This Week's Pitch -- Revenge!

-Nate pitches the vengeance of a foreign transplant who erroneously grew up believing the Buffalo Bills won four Super Bowls.

-Ben pitches a high school monster movie, a mutual hitman association, and a woman who wonders if her husband is really an old high school enemy playing a long con.

-This Week's Game -- Movies Against Humanity!

-The guys take turns competing by arguing a movie that best fits a series of category topics including Most Spiritual, Best Movie for Kids, and Most Eclectic Film.

Direct download: pitch_141.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02pm EDT

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have watched many bad movies but now they're looking into the world of bad unaired TV, pilots that never made it to your television set because somebody realized, rightly, that they were awful (or were they???). The guys talk, as usual, about an assortment of topics both intellectual and low-brow as Ben has a moral crisis of whether he should go to the same crude joke wells so readily. You be the judge, folks.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 140 includes:

-Hasbro Cinematic Universe segues into a remembrance of TNN, the weird return of Ren and Stimpy, and the new Rita Repulsa.

-Ben is shocked and amazed to find himself actually sort of enjoying "The Boss."

-Ben attempts to name ten Spanish names on the spot. Stay for "Lil' Pogo, the investment banker."

-Ben and Nate disagree over "Midnight Special" and then somehow shift into a "Foxcatcher" impression about repopulating that "Interstellar" planet with Anne Hathaway. So... yeah.

-This Week's Pitch -- None!

-Bonus Discussion -- What the Hell Did We Just Watch? TV Pilots!

-The guys explore a world of failed TV pilots based upon TV and feature films including "Clerks," "Driving Miss Daisy," and a 21st century "Mr. Ed."

Direct download: pitch_140.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50pm EDT