Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" learn a thing or two about vengeance this week thanks to the thematic link of the movie "Wild Tales," a rip-roaring Argentinian movie made up of a series of vengeance-laden shorts. The guys pitch projects centered around revenge in many forms. They also play another round of the game Movies Against Humanity.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 141 includes:

-Does the upcoming DC movie lineup, and its new turmoil at Warner Brothers, resemble a slate of "I Love Lucy" episodes to anyone else? No? Okay.

-Alicia Vikander (Everyone's 2015 crush) slips on the short shorts for Lara Croft.

-"Wild Tales" is a movie that every human being needs to see.

-Keanu is an adorable kitten. Also "Keanu" is a fairly funny movie by Key & Peele.

-This Week's Pitch -- Revenge!

-Nate pitches the vengeance of a foreign transplant who erroneously grew up believing the Buffalo Bills won four Super Bowls.

-Ben pitches a high school monster movie, a mutual hitman association, and a woman who wonders if her husband is really an old high school enemy playing a long con.

-This Week's Game -- Movies Against Humanity!

-The guys take turns competing by arguing a movie that best fits a series of category topics including Most Spiritual, Best Movie for Kids, and Most Eclectic Film.

Direct download: pitch_141.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02pm EST

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