Dirty Sons of Pitches

While the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are occupied for another week, enjoy a special presentation of Ben and George's SNL-related podcast, "Saturday Night Jive." This week the guys, with special guest Nate, discuss the 1994 erotic thriller "Disclosure" and just how wrongheaded it is at about every turn, and that's before the lengthy VR sequence. You'll never look at the patriarchy the same.

Direct download: SNJ_-_Disclosure.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 9:57pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" were able to get together during their writing hiatus and record a new podcast covering several movies they have watched recently, including the new surprise sequel to "the Blair Witch," which is quite not good. They pitch ways to fix it and if this franchise can be continued creatively.

Episode 153 includes:

-Ben contends he is not a Millenial and all that this implies.

-Nate says "Sully" is solid and "Bridget Jones' Baby" is a back-to-basics that reminds fans why they enjoyed the characters.

-"God's Not Dead 2" not as mean but just as crazy.

-The new "Blair Witch" could have been called "Bad Jump Scare: The Movie."

-This Week's Pitch -- Fix a "Blair Witch" Sequel

-Ben and Nate try and determine where the new movie should have gone and what can be salvageable.

Direct download: pitch_153.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:55pm EST

While Ben and Nate are on a brief hiatus, the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are highlighting some of the best selections from Ben's other regular podcast, "Saturday Night Jive." It's a weekly podcast discussing (usually awful) movies starring SNL alums, with Ben's brother and co-host George providing insight and anecdotes related to SNL history. Check out this week's episode covering 2003's Mike Myers' travesty "The Cat in the Hat" which George cites as one of his favorite films of all time.

Available on iTunes.

Direct download: SNJ_-_Cat_in_the_Hat.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 10:48pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are taking a break for the month of September for a time-sensitive writing project, but in the meantime here's the newest podcast where the guys talk about recently seen movies including Nicolas Winding Refn's "The Neon Demon." Oh, do they have things to say about that movie. After, the guys attempt to pitch the ultimate Refn movie and it becomes a challenge to pitch a killer mime revenge movie, because anything would be better than a new Refn movie.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 152 includes:

-Pump the brakes on "The Birth of a Nation" awards push because something awful has come to light.

-R.I.P. Gene Wilder, the man who made us fall in love with madness.

-Nate says "The Light Between the Oceans" is a pretty-looking movie about pretty-looking people being sad.

-"The Neon Demon" is Refn's disdain for narrative cinema.

-This Week's Pitch -- Ultimate Nicolas Winding Refn Movie!

-As a joke, the guys pitch what kind of movie Refn could tackle next. It's not pretty.

Stay tuned for select episodes of "Saturday Night Jive" this month!

Direct download: pitch_152.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST