Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have returned from another writing project and celebrating their elders. In honor of "Mom and Dad" the guys are pitching movies related to parental relationships. The guys discuss a new breakthrough in porn, whether "Call Me By Your Name" and "Duke Kukem" need sequels, the amazing first movie to play in Saudi Arabia in 35 years, the unsung excellence of Hong Chau, the history of National Lampoon and where their film brand went, and spending eternity with your in-laws and extended family

Available on iTunes.

Episode 202 includes:

-Ben introduces the newest stupefying breakthrough in pornography that will terrify actresses for ages.

-Aziz Ansari is not the same as Harvey Weinstein. Repeat.

-Oscar nominations have been released and hooray for weird movies getting some recognition. The guys run through the major categories and surprises and snubs.

-"Phantom Thread" is a return to form enough for PTA.

-Ben and Nate have wildly different opinions on the wild new movie, "Mom and Dad."

-This Week's Pitch -- Parents!

-Nate pitches Satanic parents waiting for their child to reach a certain age before sacrificing.

-Ben pitches sequels to "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and "Little Nicky", alien step-parents, zombie grandparents, a ghostly possessed mother-in-law, and a revenge sequel to "The Joy Luck Club."

Direct download: pitch_202.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EST

While Ben and Nate finish a writing project, please enjoy another edition of "Saturday Night Jive" the podcast where Ben and his brother George discuss in depth the hilarious bad and bizarre films of SNL alums. The 2000 movie "Duets" is about the exciting world of competitive karaoke starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Giamatti, and Huey Lewis, and it's insane. This was a favorite listen of ours so please give it one yourself.

Available on iTunes.

Direct download: snj-duets.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are coming at you from their resident "shithole" to bring you some podcasting goodness. In honor of the new Liam Neeson thriller "The Commuter" the guys are pitching concepts following the same formula of Neeson getting in trouble on different modes of transport. Along the way the guys discuss the teaching pedagogy of James Franco, whether to fight one TV star unqualified candidate with another TV star unqualified candidate, and the almost certainty of how tiny and gross the president's penis must look like for him to behave the way he does.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 201 includes:

-New gropers of the week: Stan Lee and James Franco. Did anyone audit Franco's "classes" before?

-Is President Oprah Winfrey really a possibility? No.

-The guys discuss a new Columbus film "After" that will be making the festival circuit in 2018.

-"The Commuter" is a dumb action movie but it drove Nate mad.

-This Week's Pitch -- Liam Neeson in a Place!

-The guys follow the trend and pitch concept of Neeson running into trouble on different modes of transportation and in confined spaces.

Direct download: pitch_201.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back for the first time in 2018. There aren't many new releases at this time of year so the guys are catching up on some older 2017 films, mostly animated in Ben's case, and their pitch this week is in honor of Aaron Sorkin's true-life Poker drama, "Molly's Game." The guys pitch stories about gambling. Along the way Ben finds even more to dislike about "The Last Jedi," they discuss the Hulu equal of "Netflix and chill," the culpability of art inspired by bad deeds, and a movie called "Deadly Crossbow Roulette."

Available on iTunes.

Episode 200 includes:

-More gropers of the week: Paul Haggis, Ben Vereen, and Max Landis.

-A Slenderman horror movie is coming, but is this dangerous considering the real-life Slenderman killing?

-Ben zips through many 2017 animated films he's caught up with including "Leap!" and

-"The Greatest Showman" is a sanitized version of P.T. Barnum's life fit for Disney.

-Nate loves "Molly's Game" while Ben finds it all a bit too much Sorkin-y.

-This Week's Pitch -- Gambling Movies!

-Ben pitches a two-hander play about a Texas Hold 'Em game, a heist on a casino planet, a lucky rabbit's foot with unusual consequences, and a future lottery tied into cannibalism.

Direct download: pitch_200.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are inviting their two top guests of the show, Eric and George, to share their own lists of the best and worst films of 2017, as well as those hat were underrated, overrated, and some of the finest performances of the year. Along the way, Nate and Ben share some changes to their Worst lists, now including "The Bye Bye Man" and potentially the really bad "Flatliners" remake. The gang also discuss the indie darling "Call Me By Your Name" and some problematic elements, and ring out the New Year with Gene Shalit blurbs for some of 2017's best and worst films. 

Available on iTunes.

Direct download: pitch_199.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15am EST