Dirty Sons of Pitches

Minus Eric, two thirds of the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" brave Scotland's first homegrown CGI animated film, 2013's "Sir Billie." The movie is also known as actor Sean Connery's last film, since he has declared he is retired. Listen as Ben and Nate try and make sense out of a skateboardin' grandpa trying to rally his small town to save the last beaver in Scotland. And that's just the part that sort of makes sense. The brazen incoherence is analyzed, as well as Connery's sleepwalking performance, the obsession over beavers, what should and shouldn't be in a kid's film, and also an opening discussion on the social contract one is entered upon crossing the borders of Michigan. Try hard not to feel sad for Connery.

Also available on iTunes!

Direct download: sir_billie.mp3
Category:What the Hell Did We Just Watch? -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back with another in depth analysis of a director, this time "Man of Steel" and "300" director Zack Snyder. The guys take turns sharing their favorite and least favorite Snyder movies, talk about the visual hallmarks of Snyder's style, question his connection to material as well as his use of onscreen violence, and then kick around ideas they'd like to see Snyder tackle next. Note: this was recorded before the news of a "Batman vs. Superman" sequel to "Man of Steel," though some of us already predicted something similar.

Also available on iTunes!

Direct download: zack_snyder.mp3
Category:Director's Cut -- posted at: 3:58pm EST