Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking to see how comedy handles the remake process with their Remakin' It series this week. The guys examine the 1988 con caper "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" and the much less beloved 2019 remake, "The Hustle." It's a textbook example of how hard comedy can be even if you're repeating someone else's funny material near beat-for-beat.

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Episode 296 includes:

-Hope you like the return of box-sized movies, Snyder Cut Apologists, because your "Justice League" opus got scrunched for your home televisions. 

-"Monster Hunter" is excuse-free monster pulp.

-Nate says the Russo brothers' Marvel-follow-up "Cherry" is all style and little substance (butthole POV shot!).

-Ben bemoans the existence of "Tom and Jerry."

-Remakin' It -- "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"

-The guys talk about the delightful 1988 Michael Caine and Steve Martin con artist comedy and the extremely lesser imitation from 2019 with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson.

Direct download: pitch_296.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 9:53am EST

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