Fri, 30 December 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are determining that man... is the most dangerous game, as this episode's movie pairing are two films that follow the "Most Dangerous Game" premise, 1993's "Hard Target" starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and directed by John Woo, and 1994's lesser known "Surviving the Game" where Ice-T is on the run from hunters such as Gary Busey, F. Murray Abraham, and Ruther Hauer. Next week will conclude their "Double or Nothing" run of similair movie pairs. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 367 includes: -Could movie studios actually start having their trailers be accurate now? By law? -Ben bemoans the success of "Top Gun: Maverick" while Nate admits some value. -The guys celebrate "Glass Onion" and its twisty fun. -Double or Nothing -- "Hard Target". / "Surviving the Game" -Both movies are about homeless people hunted for sport by the rich, and 1993's "Hard Target" is the first American film directed by John Woo, and it's that ridiculous Woo-ness that makes it so entertaining, plus Van Damme gets to punch a snake. Whereas 1994's "Surviving the Game" has a great cast and more well-defined genre characters. Both are worth watching for their own reasons. |
Wed, 28 December 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are tackling two big-budget 1997 Hollywood disaster movies featuring angry volcanos, though "Volcano" is more about redirecting lava and "Dante's Peak" is more about everything else relating to a volcano except lava. The guys discuss the differences, the inherent campiness, and the value of either, as well as the demand for volcano movies to include lava. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 366 includes: -Major shakeup as James Gunn sheds to the old baggage of the Snyder DC-verse. -Trailer reactions to the best summer double-feature: "Oppenheimer" and Greta Gerwig's "Barbie." -Ben is lukewarm on "Banshees of Inisherin." -In the battle of Pinocchios, Guillermo del toro reigns supreme. -Double or Nothing -- "Volcano" / "Dante's Peak" -Do you need lava in your volcano movie? Do you like lots of ash? Do you like Pierce Brosnan as the hunkiest geologist in history? Do you like "Jaws" but as a volcano? Do you like old crabby grandmothers burning to death from lakes of acid? The guys debate the two big volcano disaster films of 1997 that came to define our times. |
Tue, 20 December 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This time it's 1999's German-language stylistic kitchen sink explosion, "Run Lola Run." This was the movie Nate used to win over friends who said they never like foreign movies, and it's kinetic style, sound, and well-written world can leave you breathless. Also, see you in 2023! Available on Spotify and Apple |
Sat, 17 December 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are tackling two similar movies released in short order, this week a pair of 1999 haaunted house movies, each a remake, and each of them star-studded. However, only one of them entertains and the other merely tries one's already spent spectral patience. Avaialble on Spotify and Apple Episode 365 includes: -R.I.P. Kirstie Alley pre-MAGA transformation. -Trailer reactions for "Indy 5," Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3," and a new Transformers movie that... could be... good? -Ben says "Violent Night" is everything you would want it to be. -Double or Nothing -- "The Haunting" / "House on Haunted Hill" -The guys discuss two haunted house movies from 1999, one of which is a shoddy and boring remake that wants to be a high-minded chiller and falls into camp, and the other which aims for schlocky fun and delivers quite convincingly. The guys discuss where one fails and the other succeeds and why ghosts need to up their persuasion game to convince people to put off their own busy schedule to bother solving some undead murder mystery. We all got lives, ghosts! |
Mon, 5 December 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This time it's 2018's Tarantino-esque ensemble thriller "Bad Times at The El Royale," one of the best Tarantino imitations to the degree it might out-Tarantino Tarantino. This episode written description is paid by the use of the word "Tarantino." Available on Spotify and Apple |
Fri, 2 December 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once more tackling two similar movies released closely, this time the twins of 1998 college murder schemes, with the more star-studded "Dead Man on Campus" plays its premise for lackluster dark comedy, the indie noir thiller "The Curve," formerly titled "Dead Man's Curve," is an absurd movie that overdoses on twists that undo every logical aspect about the plotting, all in the name of being seen cool but failing so badly. It's a new favorite of Ben's, and maybe it will be for you too. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 364 includes: -We've lost a key Power Ranger. It's mournin' time. -Nate shares thoughts on "The Menu," "My Son Hunter," "Black Panther 2," and "Smile." -Disney's "Strange World" is a movie best worth waiting for being on TV. -Double or Nothing -- "Dead Man on Campus" / "The Curve" -The guys discuss the two weirdly similar movies, both about schemes to get straights As by pushing a collegiate roommate to kill themself, and one of them is a middling dark comedy and the other is one of the most hilariously ridiculous examples of twist-overdose Tarantino-knockoff neo-noir that the late 90s indie scene has to offer. Ben declares "The Curve" a new addition to his favorite so-bad-it's-good movies. |
Wed, 23 November 2022
The guys from "Saturday Night Jive," the Bailey brothers, are once again tackling the bad and intriguing movies of SNL alums. This week it's the 1990 movie "Taking Care of Business" with Jim Belushi and Charles Grodin. Naturally, the movie is awful, and Ben and George go to great lengths to make you feel their self-induced misery. Available on Spotify and Apple
Direct download: 312___Can_We_Stop_Talking_About_The_Try_Guys___-_Taking_Care_Of_Business_1990.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 8:17am EST |
Mon, 21 November 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once again pairing similar movies released shortly together, this time 2009's "Surrogates" starring Bruce Willis in a world of robot doubles, and "Gamer" where Gerdald Butler competes for his life, and also the world and culture are awful, and maybe that's the point but is that good enough to count as commentary? Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 363 includes: -R.I.P. Kevin Conrroy, Gallagher, Aaron Carter, Saul Bass -Nate is charmed by the shakespeare spinoff, "Rosaline." -Be says "Wakanda forever" succeeds on its real-life gravitas. -Double or Nothing -- "Surrogates" / "Gamer" -The gents chat about two 2009 sci-fi action movies about people controlling other humans to serve as their real-world avatars. In the bland "surrogates," it's Bruce Willis investigating a murder in a world where 98% of people stay at home and operate their surrogate robots to go outside. In "Gamer," the team behind the "Crank" movies assault our senses and good taste with a murder game show where Gerald Butler is a death row inmate being controlled in kill-or-be-killed combat by Logan Lerman. There are... vast differences of opinion on "Gamer." |
Fri, 11 November 2022
![]() The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are adding another new format change to their long-standing podcast, this time examining similar movies released in short order from one another. The guys kick things off by exploring the two Christopher Columbus biopics released in 1992, both of which are bad but for different reasons. "Columbus: The Discovery" is the cheaper, sillier, but strangely more accountable version, whereas Ridley Scott's "1492: Conquest of Paradise" is the bigger production but far more boring and more morally egregious even as it had less exploitation aims. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 362 includes: -Trailer reactions for "The Whale," the Guilermo del Toro "Pinnochio," and "Glass Onion." -Elon Musk and Kanye West.... finally bearing some consequences of their idiocy. -Ben feels like "Black Adam" is a step down for The Rock. -The Weird Al biopic is about eveyrhting you would want it to be. -Double or Nothing -- "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery" / "1492: Conquest of Paradise" -The guys discuss the dueling Christopher Columbus movies released in 1992, marking the 500th anniversary but delivered to a very different market. Both movies have some fleeting artistic merit but are mostly hagiogrpahies of Columbus and excuse his many historical atrocities to other convenient guilty parties. This is a figure whose historical evaluation has gone through great changes, but even in 1992, he was protrayed by Hollywood as a heroic visionary ahead of his time, and the movies are just wrong in so many frustrating ways. |
Sat, 29 October 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are concluding their series looking at the most horrifying of "Star Trek" episodes to inspire a TV writing project, and the final episodes are "Realm of Fear" from "Next Generation" and another "Deep Space Nine" standout, "Empok Nor." The guys also take a deeply nerdy deep dive into Ben's 14-page lore document about the mysteries of the universe and hidden histories behind the sci-fi project they've been brainstorming over the last couple months. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 361 includes: -R.I.P. Leslie Jordan. -New "Ant-Man" trailer gives us the first look at Kang. -Ben declares "Barbarian" an interesting miss. -Star Trek-ifying -- "Realm of Fear" / "Empok Nor" -The guys discuss the fear of transport teleportation and what lies beyond in the intriguing "Realm of Fear" episode, and then then madness-induced homicidal games of survival in "Empok Nor." Then the big nerdy sci-fi exploration really begins. |
Mon, 24 October 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This time it's the classic sweeping romance set amidst the Russian Revolution, 1965's immensely popular "Doctor Zhivago," and both gents have opinions veering from the consensus. Available on Spotify and Apple |
Sat, 22 October 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have two more episodes in their "Star Trek" horror series exmaining selected epsiodes across the many classic TV series to help the guys brainstorm a sci-fi TV project with Lovecraftian elements. This week the guys are discussing the infamous Halloween themed episode for the original series, "Catspaw," complete with spooky castles, black cats, and hanging skeletons, and then the much much better "Deep Space Nine" episode styled like Stephen King's Misery, the character-driven "Waltz." Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 360 includes: -R.I.P. Coolio, Louise Fletcher, Loretta Lynn, Robbie Coltrane, and Angela Lansbury. -Ben shares his thoughts on plenty of new horror movies and "Werewolf by Night." -"Halloween Ends" actually... does not suck. Surprise! -Star Trek-ifying -- "Waltz" / "Catspaw" -The guys discuss another standout episode of "Deep Space Nine," written by ronald D. Moore, the intimate and play-like "Waltz," and then the notorious "Catspaw" episode from the original "Star Trek" series and its absurdity. The guys then discuss their sci-fi horror TV project beyond its planned first season.
Wed, 12 October 2022
It's the Bailey brothers of "Saturday Night Jive," George and Ben, and their weekly examination on the films of SNL alums, though this epiosde veers into a special category as Jay "Poppy Butt" Leno teams up with Pat Morita for the strange buddy cop movie that nobody asked for. This movie has been the stuff of legend for Ben (whose phone screen is the film's poster) and can it possibly live up to its so-bad hype? Listen and find out. Available on Apple and Spotify
Direct download: 303___Pat_Morita_Dropkicks_A_Car__-_Collision_Course_1989.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 10:15am EST |
Wed, 12 October 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are reaching an end of their special series looking throug the most horrific and Lovecraftian of the "Star Trek" series, this time watching Voyager's body horror/character introspection "Faces" episode and Enterprise's killer A.I. mystery episode, "Dead Stop."The guys then use these episodes as inpsiration for a sci-fi horror series they're developing. Episode 359 includes: -Gay news! "Scooby Doo's" Thelma canonically gay! "Bros" underperforms! -Trailer reactions to movies that are frustraingly close to some of Ben's many, many pitches. -Is Rob Zombie's "The Munsters" as bad as it looks, and it looks quite bad? -The guys have big differences of opinion on the controversial Marilyn Monroe biopic, "Blonde." -Star Trek-ifying -- "Dead Stop" / "Faces" -The guys discuss the body horror and identity issues of Voyager's "Faces" and the mysterious spacecraft curiosity of Enterprise's "Dead Stop." The guys then brainstorm from there into a sci-fi TV project, "The Void," and the back-half of season one's planned twelve episodes. |
Wed, 28 September 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once again boldly going into the darkest regions of space and the human imagination, as the guys revisit the more horrifying and weird episodes of various "Star Trek" TV series as inspiration for a similar-themed writing project about Lovecraftian horrors being discovered through space. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 358 includes: -D23 news! Marvel stuff! -Nate says "Fall" is a solid B-movie with some nifty aerial views. -Ben cannot stand the new live-action "Pinocchio." -Star Trek-ifying -- "Genesis" / "Hard Time" -The guys discuss Ben's favorite "Next Generation" episode growing up, "Genesis," where the crew transforms into different monsters, and then a standout "Deep Space Nine" episode, "Hard Time," in an effort to inspire their creative brainstorming for the sci-fi/horror TV project they are developing through the podcast. |
Sun, 25 September 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This time it's 2019's cult horror movie, "Midsommar," which became his favorite movie of that year. Did he too fall under the spell of the cult? Available on Spotify and Apple |
Wed, 14 September 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are exploring the reaches of space two "Star Trek" episodes at a time, those focusing on more horror or Lovecraftian elements, to serve as inspiration for a creative writing project the guys are working through. This week's exploration features a season 7 episode "Phantasms" of "The Next Generation," the Data dreams and speaks with Sigmund Freud and the zombie thriller episode "Impulse" from "Star Trek Enterprise" with a standout Jolene Blalock. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 357 includes: -If you don't know about the behind the scenes drama of "Don't Worry Darling," then buckle up. -Ben doesn't fall for "Fall." -Nate finds "Clerks 3" to be a sad ending for several reasons. -Star Trek-ifying -- "Impulse" / "Phantasms" -The guys discuss a strange dream-heavy season 7 "Next Generation" episode exploring Data's fragmenting sense of reality as well as the zombie Vulcan episode from "Enterprise." The guys then use both as a jumping point to brainstorm and structure the season of their sci-fi Lovecraftian space project. |
Wed, 7 September 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This time it's 1964's OTHER famous Cold War anihilation thriller, "Fail Safe," with the biggest discussion saved for the final decision by the U.S. president to avert an all-out nuclear war. Available on Spotify and Apple |
Mon, 5 September 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are changing things up and boldly going where, well, many have gone before, examining one of Ben's most beloved series of all time, "Star Trek." The guys are selecting two episodes across the five series of"Trek" to watch and relate to a sci-fi/horror writing project for the next several weeks. This week it's a "Trek" episode beloved by fans and one derrided by the fans. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 356 includes: -Shia LeBouf might even be a bigger liar than we thought. Shocker. -Nate says "Oprhan First Kill" has a brief stretch of entertainment. -Ben says "Samaritan" is a fine movie with the most obvious twist and challenges you, the listener, to guess it (and you will). -Star Trek-ifying -- "The Doomsday Machine" / "Threshold" -The guys discuss one of the most hallowed episodes of the original Star Trek series, "The Doomsday Clock," and one of the all-time most loathed, from Voyager, "Threshold." The guys discuss the merits of each and then use both as a srpingboard to talk about a new sci-fi pilot concept they're creatively sketching out. |
Sat, 27 August 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are reconsidering whether or not it's actually worth it to ever watch another Woody Allen movie, especially after they talk about the painful experience that is 1993's light-hearted "Manhattan Murder Mystery. They also discuss Christopher Nolan's "Insomnia" remake from 2002, a much much better movie experience. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 355 includes: -R.I.P. Anne Heche and director Wolfgang Peterson. -"Secret Headquarters" makes "We Can Be Heroes" look better. -"Bullet Train" is a movie that knows exactly what it wants. -Switch the Pitch -- "Manhattan Murder Mystery" / "Insomnia" -The guys discuss Woody Allen's "quirky" mystery and their general distaste for the man and his sense of comedy, and then praise the 2002 Christopher Nolan "Insomnia" thriller as an example of what Hollywood filmmaking can be with the right people and vision. After, they pitch a project combining both elements that will be better than "Manhattan Murder Mystery" for sure. |
Thu, 18 August 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is the three-hour adaptation of Stephen King's popular series, 1999's "The Green Mile." Available on Spotify and Apple |
Sat, 13 August 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are ready to leap into the jungle with 1984's hit "Romancing the Stone," a movie that spawned its own rom-com subgenre, and then the little remembered 2009 film "Inkheart," starring Brendan Frasier and Paul Bettany, about a family with the power to open portals in and out of literature. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 354 includes: -R.I.P. Bernard Cribbins, Donna Noble's grandfather on "Doctor Who." -Does the ongoing chaos in project cancelation at Warner Bros Discovery make it more or less likely Ezra Miller's "Flash" get yanked? -"Prey" is a high-quality Predator prequel that packs a punch. -Switch the Pitch -- "Romancing the Stone" / "Inkheart" -The guys discuss the 1984 rom-com adventure by director Robert Zemeckis that isn't quite as it's remembered and then 2009's fantasy adventure "Inkheart" which fails from a lack of imagination for its imagination. The guys then combine both movies into a new project they pitch on the spot. |
Fri, 12 August 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once again delving into the hallowed film career of Orson Welles, Ben's "favorite director," and looking at another well-regarded classic, the last of his career in the Hollywood system, 1958's border thriller "Touch of Evil," and then they also discuss a 2017 unknown action thriller with Dave Bautista about America under assault from within by reactionary white supremacist forces (timely!). Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 353 includes: -Lots of Marvel Comicon news! Also, DC might be melting down... again! -R.I.P. Paul Sorvino, David Warner, and Nichelle Nichols. -"Nope" is a pretty solid "yep" -Netflix's $200-million "The Gray Man" is a dispiriting and bland action movie. Switch the Pitch -- "Bushwick" / "Touch of Evil" -The guys discuss the all-in-one-take urban warfare movie "Bushwick" starring Dave Bautista and Orson Welles' 1958 B-movie classic "Touch of Evil" with Charlton Heston as a Mexican-American and Janet Leigh in motel rooms being harassed yet again. After, the guys combine both movies into a new project and pitch it live. |
Fri, 22 July 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are staring into the madness of 2017's "The Evil Within," a self-financed horror movie from a wealthy Getty scion before he died of a drug overdose, and then going back to Orson Welles with his last movie, completed near 30 years after his death and available on Netflix. Both are artistic visions that consumed their artists, finished after their demise, and both present an interesting discussion. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 352 includes: -R.I.P. James Caan, who we forgot to mention last episode. -More "Halloween" and "Jeepers Creepers" we don't care about. -"The Black Phone" is an enjoyable survival horror thriller with too many other kinds of movies competing for time. -Switch the Pitch -- "The Evil Within" / "The Other Side of the Wind" -The guys discuss at length (like 45+ minutes) about the final films for two artists finished years after their deaths. "The Evil Within" is a horror movie by Andrew Getty, and it's nightmarish and impressive and campy and crazy but works. "The Other Side of the Wind" was the movie Orson Welles tried completing for the last 15 years of his life, and it took an additional few decades to finally be completed by Netflix. The guys go into both movies problems, ambitions, artistic merits, and then combine into a new project sharing both of their key creative elements. |
Thu, 14 July 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are examining Netflix's 2020 indie sci-fi thriller "Horse Girl" co-written and starring Alison Brie as a woman who thinks she may be abducted by aliens, and they're watching for the first time the supposed classic from 1974 "The Conversation," the Francis Ford Coppola movie he mad between the two "Godfathers"s. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 351 includes: -Me Too updates: David O. Russell, R. Kelly, and James Franco still bad humans -Is there any realistic hope at all for Rob Zombie's "The Munsters"? -"Jerry and Marge Go Large" is sweet and shockingly almost conflict-free. -"Thor: Love and Thunder" has the right parts but is trying too hard to rekindle your memory of "Ragnarok." -Switch the Pitch -- "Horse Girl" / "The Conversation" -What exactly is 2020's "Horse Girl" really going for? Is 1974's "The Conversation" a victim of our sensibilities about a surveilance state and a conspiracy thriller moving beyond what it can do? The guys discuss their misgivings about both movies and then pitch a brand-new project combining elements from both movies. |
Sat, 9 July 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are having a lengthy discussion over the appeal and nature of the "Star Trek" film canon, about David O. Russell's Me Too status, about popcorn ads, and about combining two films into a brand new creative project for this week's Switch the Pitch. Also, they discuss their old monthly sketch comedy show in 2007 when they were unknowingly the front for a local religious cult. Click here to watch the comedy sketches (and not religious cult propoagands, we promise). Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 350 includes: -Are the Skinny Pop ads just a little bit... overdoing it? -Trailer reactions for "The Woman King," "Amsterdam," and Kevin Smith's "Clerks III." -"Men" is all about... well... men. -Ben has seen the "Minions" and... did not hate it or himself. -Switch the Pitch -- "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" / "From Beyond" -The guys pitch a TV series combining elements from the first, very leisurely paced foray into film for the "Star Trek" franchise as well as the Lovecraftian horror movie "From Beyond." |
Thu, 30 June 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are examining two less-than-familiar movies for this week's edition of Switch the Pitch, starting with 1995's "Memory Run," where a man has his consciousness transplanted into the body of his dead lover, and then 2006's "Fay Grim" by indie auter Hal Hartley. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 349 includes: -So who cares about 50 years of legal precedent anyway? Ramifications of the Roe v. Wade decision being overturned by the Supremes. -Nate runs through a littany of okay-to-dull movies like "Spiderhead," "Crimes of the Future," and "Cha Cha Real Smooth." -Ben declares "Elvis" his favorite Baz Luhrman movie. -Switch the Pitch -- "Memory Run" / "Fay Grim" -The guys discuss the 1995 direct-to-video sci-fi action movie from a trans perspective and also Hal Hartley's 2006 "Fay Grim," a sequel to "Henry Fool" and a winky ironic satire of spy movies, and then the guys combine major elements into a new concept better than both. |
Mon, 27 June 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is the Oscar-winning, post-apocalyptic, face-meltingly awesome "Mad Max: Fury Road." Available on Spotify and Apple |
Thu, 23 June 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have returned from a recent power outage and are even more powerful than ever, or so they believe. The guys are watching two very different movies this week, 1944's "Double Indemnity" and 2016's "Shin Godzilla," to combine into a new project. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 348 includes: -The game of chicken that Ezra Miller continues playing with Warner Brothers takes a few new turns, also more MeToo news. -R.I.P. respected character actor Phillip Baker Hall. -Nate runs through several mildler romantic comedies like "Downtown Abbey," "Father of the Bride," and "Good Luck to You, Leo Grande." -Turns out "Jurassic World: Dominion" is even worse than you feared. -"Lightyear" is solid mid-range Pixar. -Switch the Pitch -- "Double Indemnity" / "Shin Godzilla" -The guys discuss the 2016 very talky, very in-the-weeds of government technospeak Godzilla movie, where it loses them, and then Billy Wilder's 1944 film noir classic that has less shine for Ben, and then they attempt to combine them into a new project about insurance fraud via giant monster destruction. |
Mon, 13 June 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is 2001's "Vanilla Sky," based upon the 1997 Spanish movie, "Open Your Eyes," both starring Penelope Cruz. Available on Spotify and Apple |
Thu, 9 June 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back at it with Switch the Pitch, where they watch two unrelated movies and then try and marry both of them into a new creative project. This time it's the 2013 Canadian ghost thriller "Hanter" combined with the hit meta 1995 comedy, "The Brady Bunch Movie." Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 347 includes: -R.I.P. Ray Liotta -Reactions to "Black Adam" trailer and Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation verdict. -Ben has seen the horror that is the animated "Marmaduke" movie on Netflix. -"Dual" leaves soemthing to be desired. -Switch the Pitch -- "Haunter" / "Brady Bunch Movie" -The 2013 ghostly thriller is a well-constructed and conceieved chiller, but the 1995 "Brady" movie is a one-joke irony time capsule for not just the 1970s but now the 1990s as well. |
Sun, 29 May 2022
While the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" wait to record next, check out Ben and his brother George's long-running podcast covering movies starring "Saturday Night Live" alums as well as exploring the history of the famous sketch comedy series. Listen to the guys discuss their take on "Problem Child," especially after they both unabashedly loved "Problem Child 2" which they saw first. Can it live up to the hype? Is that even the appropriate term? Available on Apple and Spotify
Direct download: 294___I_Was_Cake_The_Whole_Time___-_Problem_Child_1990.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 12:51pm EST |
Thu, 26 May 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are catching up on movies from April and May to discuss after ending their brief hiatus and get back to pitching starting with the next podcast. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 356 includes: -Trailer reactions: "Thor: Love and Thunder," "Mission: Impossible 7," and more. -"Fantastic Beasts 3" is a slog about election coups that feels like it should be the end of this franchise. -"2000 Mules" is just as bad as you would think from Dinesh D'Souza. -Who's the firestarter? Twisted "Firestarter." -the guys have divided responses to Marvel's "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" and different takes on whether its big villain breaking bad worked. |
Fri, 6 May 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is 1945's "The Portrait of Dorian Grey" based upon the story by Oscar Wilde and featuring a young Angela Lansbury. Available on Spotify and Apple |
Thu, 28 April 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back before a brief hiatus for the first half of May and they have two rather underwhelming movies to discuss before, as per the rules of Switch the Pitch, combining them into a new project on the spot. They talk about 2020's "Ava" with Jessica Chastain as a hired gun, and 2015's "Terminator: Genisys," which was supposed to kickoff an alternate timeline trilogy that never was. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 345 includes: -Netflix down! Twitter bought? Disney booted from self-governing! News and politics and entertainment. -Nate find the Netflix doc "White Hot" to be shallow, just like its subject, Ambercrombie & Fitch. -Ben hates Michael Bay's runaway "Ambulance." -Switch the Pitch -- "Ava" / "Terminator: Genisys" -The guys discuss the unheralded 2020 spy thriller with Jessica Chastain, not to be confused with the 2022 unheralded spy thriller starring Jessica Chastain, and one of the many failed Terminator sequel/reboots before combining them into a brand-new creative project. |
Fri, 22 April 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are celebrating Easter with a very special movie about what if Muslim terrorists went back in time to kill Jesus before he was crucified. Yes, amazingly, this movie exists, and it's "Assassin 33 A.D.," also known as "Black Easter," and the guys are discussing it along with the Asylum mockbuster "10 Million B.C." way back when Roland Emmerich's "10,000 B.C." bombed in 2008. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 344 includes: -Ezra Miller working extra hard to not be employable. -Cronenberg is back to doing what Croneberg do. -Horror flicks "X" and "Choose or Die" are derivative but neither as good or as bad as advertised. -Switch the Pitch -- "10 Million B.C." / "Assassin 33 A.D." -One involves a science team traveling to the past with dinosaurs, the other involves a military team, and scientists, traveling back to the past to kill or save Jesus, so it's only obvious that the combined pitch would be dinosaurs trying to kill Jesus. Surprisingly, both of these schlocky movies earn some respect. |
Fri, 15 April 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking at sci-fi hunts old and new, with 1997's "Future War" that was so bad it was also covered on MST3K and Best of the Worst, and one of Bruce Willis' many new and problematic films, 2021's "Apex," that has new significance to review through now that Willis is retiring from acting for medical reasons. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 343 includes: -More fallout from SlapGate 2022. -David Lynch secret movie coming to Cannes? -"Everything Everywhere All At Once" is a miracle. -Switch the Pitch -- "Future War" / "Apex" -The guys discuss the notorious, and MST3K-featured, sci-fi movie with cyborgs and exploding dinosaurs and former hookers become nuns, "Future War," and the 2021 update of "The Most Dangerous Game," the late stage Bruce Willis thriller "Apex" that takes on new examination from the actor's revelation of his cognitive problems. the guys then combine the two to pitch a new creative project. |
Sat, 9 April 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are here to discuss two crime movies, one set in the future and starring will Smith hunting robots (2004's "I, Robot") and one where Ray Liotta is trying to determine whether his assistant DA murdered a man and possible whether she's not actually black or something (2005's "Slow Burn"). Truly, this one is a bizarre movie with head-scratching decisions the guys try and unpack, and then they combine both into a new project, which they did previously as a short script they wrote, but now it's a game attempt to expand it into a potential feature. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 342 includes: -More fallout from Oscar Slapgate 2022. -Ezra Miller running quickly... out of excuses for his bad behavior and may be booted as The Flash. -"Judd Apatow's The Bubble" could have been much funnier, but perhaps it's got enough gags to last. -Here's a shocking surprise: Ben does not hate the next Sony Spider-Man on-its-own film, "Morbius." -Switch the Pitch -- "I, Robot" / "Slow Burn" -The guys re-examine the 2004 Will Smith robot action thriller and find it to be underrated, and they try valiantly to make sense of a very confused "erotic thriller" from 2005, "Slow Burn," that was filmed in 2003, and somehow becomes a story of Rachel Dolezar meets Keyser Soze? |
Thu, 31 March 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are talking Oscars, Ben's absolute most favorite topic of every season, and going over the ceremony, the winners, and especially the big news everyone is talking about, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock and garnering no consequences. The guys also discuss Netflix's 2022 sci-fi action movie "The Adam Project" and the 2014 DC animated film "Son of Batman." Avaialble on Apple and Spotify Episode 341 includes: -R.I.P. Ivan Reitman and William Hurt. -All Oscars! Winners! Losers! The slap heard round the world! What should the Oscars have done? -Nate finds "Deep Water" to be a sign that the erotic thriller is more than a thing of the past. -Ben says "Moonfall" is a waste of everyone's efforts. -Switch the Pitch -- "The Adam Project" / "Son of Batman" -Ben shares his thoughts on Netflix's 2022 sci-fi action movie with Ryan Reynolds and his younger self teaming up to save the world, and the guys then discuss the disappointment of the animated 2014 "Son of Batman," and then the guys attempt to pitch a new project combining elements from both. |
Wed, 23 March 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is the sci-fi film noir masterpiece and one of Roger Ebert's favorite films, 1998's stylish "Dark City." Available on Spotify and Apple |
Sat, 19 March 2022
They've gone and done it. The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are giving noted filmmaker Brian DePalma a final chance to impress them, so each of the guys has selected a DePalma film to review and ask, once and for all, is it time to put the nails in the coffin when it comes to ever watching more DePalma movies? Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 340 includes: -Ms. Marvel trailer! Mike Myers is back at comedy! -"Drive My Car" is too meandering for its own good. -The guys have different takes on Pixar's "Turning Red" -Nail in the Coffin -- Brian DePalma -The guys discuss at length two DePalma thrillers, 1980's "Dressed to Kill" and 1992's "Raising Cain," and they go over their many problems with DePalma as a storyteller and filmmaker as he keeps going back to the Hitchcock "Psycho" well again and again. |
Sun, 13 March 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are rolling into March with a new Batman movie to talk plenty about, re-examining the many, many issues and discomforts of the 2002 sex comedy "Sorority Boys," as well as living out the harrowing 2016 thriller "Green Room" with Patrick Stewart as a skinhead Nazi leader. Fortunately, the guys have no shortage of things to say to make up for the lack of March episodes thus far. Enjoy. Episode 339 includes: -Ryan Coogler mistaken for robbing a bank? What? -"Marry Me" is a rom-com that suffers from the total lack of chemistry from both of its leads. -A whole lot to say about Matt Reeves' whole lot of Batman. -Switch the Pitch -- "Sorority Boys" / "Green Room" -The guys discuss the nervy 2016 siege thriller by writer/director Jeremy Sauliner and the abhorrent 2002 men-in-drag sex comedy that we are all better forgetting about, and then they combine both movies into a brand-new creative project on the spot. |
Mon, 28 February 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. Next is director Paul Thomas Anderson's sprawling epic, 1999's "Magnolia." Available on Spotify and Apple |
Fri, 25 February 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and looking over their shoulders after a double dose of movies to make them paranoid, the first is Netflix's thriller "The Night Clerk" about an autistic hotel clerk who spies on the guests, and 1998's big-budget conspiracy thriller "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith and Gene Hackman, though not as much Hackman as you remember. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 338 includes: -Oscars are cutting categories for TV! Super Bowl trailers! "Doctor Strange 2," "Jurassic World 3," "Nope"! -Ben finally gets to unleash on "House of Gucci." -Nate dishes on "The King's Man," "Kimi," and Ben Shapiro's contained thriller, "Shut In." -"Big Bug" is Jean Piere-Jeunet's return to weird. -Switch the Pitch -- "the Night Clerk" / "Enemy of the State" -The guys discuss the 2020 Netflix thriller "The Night Clerk" about an autistic voyeur that is just wrong from many reasons, and 1998's Will Smith paranoia thriller, "Enemy of the State," and then combine the two for a new original sci-fi project. |
Fri, 18 February 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are keeping things leaner with this podcast, only talking about the recent 2022 Oscar nominations in several big categories, and then the guys discuss 2018's underrated and little-known summer camp slasher comedy "You Might Be the Killer" with Whedon alums Alyson Hannigan and Fran Kranz, and 1998's "Zero Effect" starring Ben Stiller and Bill Pullman as the world's most best/worst detective. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 337 includes: -Oscars nominations! Predictions! Snubs! Feel Ben's loathing for all of it! So much loathing! -Switch the Pitch -- "You Might Be the Killer" / "Zero Effect" -The guys talk about the 2018 meta indie horror comedy "You Might Be the Killer" and the modern-day Sherlock Holmes vehicle, 1998's "Zero Effect," and then combine them to pitch a quirky crime procedural pilot project. |
Mon, 7 February 2022
A special new podcast subset featuring Nate and his father. "My Dad & the Movies" is a ten-part series where Nate and his father, George, discuss a movie of his father's choice, maybe a favorite or a formative work that made him the cinephile he is, and father and son can talk about their shared love of the movies. This month they kick things off with 1944's film noir classic, "Double Indemnity." Available on Apple and Spotify |
Sun, 6 February 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and looking at political and media satire done with two very different styles, comparing 2018's indie "the Oath" with the studio bombast of 1987's "The Running Man," with Richard Dawson as a villainous game show host too. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 336 includes: -Geoffrey Rush to play Groucho Marx and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play cult leader Jim Jones. -"Scream 5" is a worthy ad fun sequel for the franchise. -Ben declares the animated movie "Trash" to be... well... -"The 355" is an all-girl spy thriller that replaces male spy cliches with women. Progress? -Switch the Pitch -- "The Oath" / "The Running Man" -The guys discuss the promise and failing of 2018's Trumpian political satire "The Oath" and then the mega-schlock Arnold action vehicle that typifies 80s action, 1987's "The Running Man," and then combine both into a brand-new pitch. |
Sun, 30 January 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking at the annuls of goofy television this week as they combine two blowhard TV personas to make a new pitch. The guys watch and discuss 2016's "Mindhorn" from Netflix and 2002's unexpected spy thriller "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," where the host of "the Gong Show" was really a CIA hitman. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 335 includes: -R.I.P. Meat Loaf and Louie Anderson and "sexy M&Ms." -No more dwarves in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves"? About time. -"Voyagers" and "the Humans" are two films to skip. -"Happily" is a worthwhile exercise that almost makes it to the end. -Switch the Pitch -- "Mindhorn" / "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" -The guys discuss the dry British comedy "Mindhorn" from the team behind "The Mighty Boosh," and more so discuss George Clooney's directorial debut, the Charlie Kaufman-penned "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind." Then they combine elements of both to make a brand-new pitch. |
Mon, 24 January 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back in 2022 and taking stock of the recent losses, new trailers, ongoing controversies, and this week are reminiscing about two solid action thrillers from the 2010s, "Non-Stop" and "Source Code," to combine into a new pitch. Available on Apple and Spotify Episode 334 includes: -R.I.P. Betty White, Sidney Poitier, Bob Saget -Does Marvel's Moon Knight look like 1997's Spawn? -Joss Whedon just can't help but dig that grave a little deeper. -Nate runs through several Oscar-contending indie movies, "Parallel Mothers," "The Novice," "Passing," and "The Hand of God." -Ben's loathing of Wes Anderson's "The French Dispatch" is everything you come for. -Switch the Pitch -- "Non-Stop" / "Source Code" -The guys discuss two elevated action thriller,s the first about a terrorist on a plane (Non-Stop) and the second about a terrorist on a train (Source Code), and then combine them into an original pitch for a man who claims to be a time traveler trying to thwart a hijacking. |
Fri, 7 January 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back with part two of their retrospective on the best and worst of 2021 movies, and now it's time for the unfortunate ones. The guys share their Bottom Ten lists for the worst movies of 2021. Available on Spotify and Apple |
Fri, 7 January 2022
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have watched over 100 movies from the year 2021, with more to go, and share their compilations for their Ten Best Movies. Part two is arriving soon as the guys look at the worst of 2021. Available on Spotify and Apple |