Mon, 29 May 2017
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are shivering timbers and yo-ho-ho-ing it up in honor of the next entry in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise from Disney. They also watch like 15+ trailers for the new TV series coming out this summer and fall and offer their initial thoughts, which are not that promising. Come for the movie talk, stay for the conversations over little person twins, Jared Leto's intense Method acting habits, and who cares at all about a TV show about podcasting. Available on iTunes. Episode 177 includes: -What if everyone on Earth had a secret little person twin psychically linked to them? The guys uncover the truth. -The guys preview a LOT of upcoming new 2017-2018 TV shows and offer their dismal opinions. -Ben at long last has seen "The Boss Baby"! -"Snatched" marks the return of Goldie Hawn who, having seen her shadow, will retreat back to her hole for another 15 years. -Nate says "Alien: Covenant" is more of the same but there is double the Fassbender. -This Week's Pitch -- Pirates! -Ben pitches parallel reality pirates, an alien invasion with space pirates, and pirates that travel within the world of books. -Nate pitches a woman who poses as a boy to sail with a pirate crew for adventure and to leave her old life behind.