Dirty Sons of Pitches

This week the guys complete the Trilogy of Geek with Eric getting a chance to geek out over "Star Wars." The "Dirty Sons of Picthes" gang extend the "Star Wars" saga into the sequels that George Lucas says he'll never make after the fanboy backlash he got from his prequels, then the guys play a game of Genre Swap with the first "Star Wars" flick. Along the way, the guys have some strange conversations about the exclusive nature of the Disney princess line, evil Wall Street sleep bankers, the antebellum Southern "Dirty Sons of Pitches" doppelgangers, whether all the re-remembered memories are necessary in the Bourne franchise, their favorite animated films, old racist cartoons, whether Rancors can qualify as Jedis, Hutt lifespans and pregnancies, the long con of the South, and how green skin magnifies the hotness of women, especially those with red hair.

Also available on iTunes!

Episode 13 includes:

-Ben apologizes (!) for one (!) component he felt may have been misogynistic from last week (only one?).

-Nate and Eric differ on "Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" and say "Brave" is second-tier Pixar.

-The guys discuss the current state of animation, 3D, 2D, and anime tentacle rape porn.

-Is the "Disney Vault" really the threat they make it out to be? What are they hiding inside?

-This Week's Pitch -- Sequelize "Star Wars"

-Eric takes over for George Lucas and begins a new trilogy, Episodes 7-9

-What are the limits of The Force? Can it be used to un-Force someone de-Forcing your Force powers?

-The one who will bring balance to the Force.... born of a... taint.

-This Week's Game -- Genre Swap!

-The guys swap "Star Wars" into the genres of spy thriller, screwball romance, and Western

-Stay tuned next week for a very special guest star.

             Send your thoughts, suggestions, assorted love to pitchcast@yahoo.com

Direct download: pitch_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

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