Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are inspired by "Tomorrowland" and pitching movies and series based upon the iconogrpahy of Disney, be it movies, parks, or the man himself. The guys also experiment with a new game, Better With The Rock, trying to imagine The Rock in other movies and disocver a pairing that would not benefit from added Rock. Along the way the guys also talk about the "X-Files" history, the secret message of Hanson's "MMMBop" tune, the mistakes of certain "sexy" Halloween costumes, the purpose of a "Symbologist," the magic of early 80s genre films, and the trappings of female facial features in animation vs. the uncanny valley.

Also available on iTunes.

Episode 112 includes:

-Learn about a really awkward Wizard of Oz rendition to educate about AIDS. Learn the forgotten pop-culture catch-phrase, "Please stop the monkeys."

-Hollywood white-washing news: can Emma Stone play Asian?

-"San Andreas" is a little too dumb for dumb fun.

-The "Poltergeist" remake: built on the graveyard of the better movie.

-"Pitch Perfect 2" is a message to normal extroverted kids -- yeah, it gets better, normal extroverted kids.

-This Week's Pitch -- Disney Iconography!

-Nate pitches "Die Hard"-in-a-Disney-park, and a behind-the-scenes documentary of near misses with beloved Disney and Pixar films.

-Ben pitches a steampunk "Frontierland," secret underground little people, a Disney princess team-up, and a curse relating to Tokyo Disney.

-This Week's Game -- Better With The Rock!

-Ben and Nate try and think of films of film scenarios that would NOT be imrpoved by the inclusion of The Rock. Is is hard.

Direct download: pitch_112.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:09pm EST

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