Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are keeping up their social distance trend with their revised podcast format and this week's classic is the 1976 conspiracy thriller "Marathan Man" starring Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier, and the cult movie is the 1985 fantasy film "Legend" from Ridley Scott and starring a young Tom Cruise.

Available on Spotify and iTunes

Episode 263 includes:

-Could Amazon become a theater chain and save AMC? Would Disney flex their muscle and follow?

-R.I.P. Jerry Stiller and Little Richard.

-Ben heartily recommends Netflix's macabre animated film, "The Willoughbys."

-Nate finds "My Spy" to be acceptable and "Wendy" to be a Neverland of muddy themes and messages.

-Classic Film -- "Marathon Man" (1976)

-Dustin Hoffman gets ensnared in a deadly Nazi conspiracy and somehow this movie finds a way to be boring even with old Nazi Laurence Olivier with a forearm sword.

-Cult Film -- "Legend" (1985)

-Ridley Scott's fantasy film is neither escapist or accessible and a misuse of Tom Cruise. How many good movies has Scott actually made when you think about it?

Direct download: pitch_263.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST