Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and clowning around for the concluding sequel to Stephen King's hit movie, "It." The guys look to the months to come at a wide range of movies coming out that they may or may not be looking forward to, and they conclude the episode with another round of America's favorite game, "So Shalit Be." You'll never look at kangaroos the same.

Available on iTunes and Spotfy

Episode 245 includes:

-Who would you cast for a "Face/Off" remake?

-D23 news: even MORE Marvel TV series! More!

-Ben finds the "Dora the Explorer" movie to be a cute and delightful family adventure film.

-"It Chapter 2" isn't quite what Chapter One offered, but we all knew this was coming, right?

-This Week's Pitch -- None!

-Bonus Discussion -- Looking Ahead to 2019!

-The guys look ahead at two dozen movies coming out between now and the end of the year.

This Week's Game -- "So Shalit Be"

-The guys play another edition of imitating the spirit of America's favorite TV film critic, Gene Shalit, to summarize via blurbs the films reviewed this week.

Direct download: pitch_246.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST