Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and picking up the pieces of major reshuffling, from Blumhouse pulling a release to recent tragedies to Sony and Marvel ending their shared partnership with Spider-Man over money. In honor of "Ready or Not," the guys pitch movies featuring the hunting of humans, and then they end another episode with America's favorite game, "So Shalit Be?" where they summarize the movies reviewed through the spirit of notable TV film critic, Gene Shalit. 

Available on iTunes and Spotify 

Episode 245 includes: 

-"The Hunt" gets pulled from release following mass shootings, which means it will.... never have a safe period to be released. 

-Sony and Marvel break up over Spider-Man visitation rights. 

-Nate struggles to say too many positive things for "The Kitchen," "Dark Iris," and "Where Did You Go, Bernadette?" 

-"Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" is creepy and a fine introduction to horror for younger kids. 

-"Ready or Not" is a blast and might be Ben's favorite movie of 2019! 

-This Week's Pitch -- Human Hunting! 

-Nate pitches a very uptight librarian keeping order and white nationalist militias deputized by a racist president to round up whatever "illegals" they find. 

-Ben pitches a cannibal president, an extreme marriage counseling couples session, and a hunt through time using the weapons of its older era. 

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be! 

-The guys assume the mantle of TV film critic Gene Shalit by providing increasingly insane blurbs for the movies covered this week.

Direct download: pitch_245.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EST