Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have come to an auspicious moment in the history of their podcast with the release of their first honest-to-goodness movie, being two of the credited writers attached to a low-budget Netflix film. The guys pitch Tim Burton vehicles in honor ofthe new live-action "Dumbo" and conclude with another rendition of America's favorite game, "So Shalit Be," this time with the illustrious Gene Shalit providing a blurb for a movie they have written (and was rewritten).

Available on iTunes

Episode 234 includes:

-So... the guys have a movie on Netflix now. That's a thing.

-The new "Joker" back-story trailer reminds you that clowns can also be upsetting.

-The guys enjoy "Shazam!" and Ben dubs it the finest DCU movie so far.

-"Serenity" might have the strangest twist for the year.

-"Dumbo" is a mostly enjoyable whimsical charm.

This Week's Pitch -- Tim Burton Vehicles!

-The guys pitch remakes, comic properties, and other stories for Tim Burton to adapt in his style.

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys imitate the style of pun-heavy TV film critic Gene Shalit to review the various movies covered this week including their own.

Direct download: pitch_234.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:18pm EST