Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are losing themselves deep in the jungles of... jungles. In honor of the new Disney version of "The Jungle Book" the guys are pitching movies set in or related to jungles. But before they get to that they have an array of news items to discuss from the high and low.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 139 includes:

-NEWS! Dr. Strange trailer! Star Trek TV show! MIB 23! Jumanji 2! Etc.!

-Would you go to a theater that allowed texting? Stupid Millenials.

-Hollywood finds a way to be even dumber about white washing with the live-action "Ghost in the Shell." #GhostinShellSoWhite

-Ben says "The Jungle Book" is a great visual experience... weighed down by a bad child actor.

-This Week's Pitch -- Jungle Pitches!

-Nate pitches a sequel to "A Bug's Life" set in a rain forest.

-Ben pitches a story where the world wakes up to nature having taken over, a flower that grants immortality deep in a jungle, and Tarzan in space on a jungle planet.

Direct download: Episode_139.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

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