Sat, 8 December 2018
While the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are busy working on several writing projects, here's another edition of the other podcast Ben and his brother record on a weekly basis, "Saturday Night Jive," where the guys discuss an SNL-alum's very bad movie. This week it's the notorious animated flop that used to be the lowest grossing wide release of all time, "Delgo." It's a special episode of "Saturday Night Jive" combined with Ben's other podcast, "Head Cannon," which makes this a TRIPLE CROSSOVER in the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" podcast universe. Enjoy George and Ben trying to make sense of the senseless. Available on iTunes.
Direct download: 170___The_Crossover_Episode__-_Delgo_2008.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 9:52am EST
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