Sun, 29 September 2024
While the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are planning when to record next, check out Ben's other podcast he records regularly with his brother George, "Saturday Night Jive," where the guys usually discuss movies and matters related to the long-running late-night staple, "Staurday Night Live." However, with this episode, the guys try and make sense of the 2000 film adaptation of the magical talking railroad series from PBS, "Thomas the Tank Engine." Available on Spotify and Apple
Direct download: 366_Tinkerbell_Is_Dead_-_Thomas_And_The_Magic_Railroad_2000.mp3
Category:Saturday Night Jive -- posted at: 11:54am EST |
Tue, 24 September 2024
From original posting: "The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" welcome back special guest and "Saturday Night Jive" podcaster George who has devised a special game just for them. He's been eager for weeks to talk about the strange experience that is "The Book of Henry" and has come up with a game to best illustrate the even more strange paths the movie takes. The guys round out the episode with another round of their pun-heavy game So Shalit Be and mourn the loss of Harry Dean Stanton in a typically insufficient way. Available on iTunes Episode 189 includes: -Our long national nightmare is over: J.J. Abrams is returning to direct "Star Wars: Episode 9." -Nate finds Darren Aronfosky's "mother!" to be an interesting allegory, but knows it will be hated. -George cites two 2017 movies that stuck with him, "The Circle" for all the wrong reasons and "Wakefield" for all the right reasons. -This Week's Game I -- And Then...? -George describes sections of the plot of "The Book of Henry" and asks Ben and Nate to predict what will happen next. they are often wrong as this movie reveals itself to be absurdly wrong-headed. -This Week's Game II -- So Shalit Be! -The guys take their turns coming up with Gene Shalit-worthy blurbs for the likes of "Room," "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World," "Hackers," and more." |
Thu, 19 September 2024
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" might have finally met their match when it comes to the closer of their Flop Era series, examining the most notorious flops and fiascos in film history. This week it's the dud that became infamous and recognizeable just by name alone -- it's 1987's "Ishtar"! How bad can a movie be starring Waren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman as bad lounge singers stumbling through the desert be? The answer is unfathomably bad, especially if you're like the guys and find every second of the bad singing to be painful. It;s time to bid goodbye to this series, which might be the worst idea these guys have ever had, and they watched "A Serbian Film" on purpose. Available on Spotify and Apple Episode 421 includes: -The Presidential Debate has finally put the focus on the issues that matter: whether immigants are stealing and then eating our pets. -R.I.P. James Earl Jones and comic artist John Cassaday. -Nate has some words on "Longlegs" and "Alien: Romulas." -Ben is mildly disappointed by "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice." -The Flop Era -- "Ishtar" (1987) -There's no going back once you've endured "Ishtar." You might as well listen to their madness and pained cries as the guys try and make sense of all the ways this movie did not work for them at all. |
Fri, 6 September 2024
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are nearing their limit with The Flop Era, where they look at some of the biggest fiascos and failures of Hollywood's modern history, but it's taking its toll, and 2011's "Mars Needs Moms" might just be the most expensive awful-looking movie of all time, one of those ate aughts mo-cap animated films that were canned after the tremendous financial failure of this martian parable about respecting your mother. Episode 420 includes: -Disney is trying to use their free-trail subscriptions to get out of all sorts of legal liability. Exploitation! -Trailer responses for "Sonic 3" and the next film from the team that gave us "Psycho Goreman." -Ben and Nate wrestle with the charms and miscues of the Paul Feig comedy, "Jackpot!" -Ben thinks "Cucko"'s ultimate revealtion is a bit of a ... "so what?" that drains the rest of the film. -The Flop Era -- "Mars Needs Moms" (2011) -A kid blasts off to Mars to save his mom because, apparently, all those little Martians are harvested from the ground and need maternal figures to care for them. It's a bad bad movie, and it's made even worse by how terrible it looks on the eyes with its uncanny valley of horror. |