Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are changing things up and boldly going where, well, many have gone before, examining one of Ben's most beloved series of all time, "Star Trek." The guys are selecting two episodes across the five series of"Trek" to watch and relate to a sci-fi/horror writing project for the next several weeks. This week it's a "Trek" episode beloved by fans and one derrided by the fans.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 356 includes:

-Shia LeBouf might even be a bigger liar than we thought. Shocker.

-Nate says "Oprhan First Kill" has a brief stretch of entertainment.

-Ben says "Samaritan" is a fine movie with the most obvious twist and challenges you, the listener, to guess it (and you will).

-Star Trek-ifying -- "The Doomsday Machine" / "Threshold"

-The guys discuss one of the most hallowed episodes of the original Star Trek series, "The Doomsday Clock," and one of the all-time most loathed, from Voyager, "Threshold." The guys discuss the merits of each and then use both as a srpingboard to talk about a new sci-fi pilot concept they're creatively sketching out.

Direct download: pitch_356.mp3
Category:star trek-ifying -- posted at: 9:29am EST