Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking into two very different movies from very different directors that both disappointed them, in somewhat different ways. "The Virgin Spring" is an Oscar-winning rape revenge film from Igmar Bergman, and it was remade into a low-budget 1972 exploitation movie by Wes Craven, the hugely successful "Last House on the Left." The guys watch both and discuss the problems in both and especially the issues of tone and execution with the remake somehow considered a genre classic.

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Episode 297 includes:

-Conservatives and the false uproar over cancel culture extending to Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Pepe LePew and Lola Bunny.

-Nate and Ben discuss the full-spoiler season of the MCU TV series "WandaVision."

-"Boss Level" is a living video game of a movie.

-"Raya and the Last Dragon" is an enjoyable fantasy franchise from Disney.

-Remakin' It -- "The Virgin Spring" / "Last House on the Left"

-The guys talk about the Igmar Bergman 1960 Swedish original and the atrocious 1972 remake that serves as the film debut of Wes Craven. Yikes.

Direct download: pitch_297.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 8:51pm EST