Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are celebrating Marvel's "Black Panther" blockbuster by pitching black super hero stories. The guys wrap up the episode playing another game of So Shalit Be, especially after discussing Gene Shalit and his potential departure from TV earlier. Along the way the guys discuss not going full-Shalit, what it takes to get a "mulligan" from the religious right, the influx of the F-word on cable TV, the question of why the female nipple is much more offensive than male nipples, whether "Black Panther" is more or less feminist than "Wonder Woman," the fallacy of the supposed Marvel villain problem, Wakanda not getting off easy for ignoring the slavery of its neighbors, and the blaxploitation possibilities of a were-spider-cop.

Available on iTunes.

Episode 204 includes:

-Want to hear about the dumbest controversy possibly ever thanks to irate parents and the movie "Peter Rabbit"?

-Gropers of the week: Shaun White and Scott Baio, which raises the question of whether Scott Baio is still even worthy of press coverage.

-The new Aardman "Early Man" is an unexpected sports film with cavemen.

-"Black Panther" is an enjoyable super hero movie unafraid of its blackness.

-This Week's Pitch -- Black Super Heroes!

-Ben pitches an alien species that seeded the planet in their black image, an inner city girl who is the goddess of bullets, and an X-Men-style story about slaves who develop mutant powers and revolt.

-This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be!

-The guys randomly draw movie titles and try and deliver blurbs in the vein of famed movie critic and pun-lover Gene Shalit.

Direct download: pitch_204.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:10pm EST