Thu, 15 June 2017
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are bringing out the lasso of truth to analyze the big-budget, highly anticipated close-up for Wonder Woman. Ben has a lot to say on the matter and further develops his thesis about the perils of low expectations. The guys talk so much about Wonder Woman that only Ben takes a turn pitching female superhero stories. Stay for conversation on cartoons shooting above the heads of their audience the weird things you might find in vending machines, Yelp reviews for dentists, Ben's stance on all non-Dragon Force music, and the power and detriment of holding onto a hilariously anachronistic article of facial hair. Available on iTunes. Episode 179 includes: -News on the Monster Universe and the Dark Universe a.k.a. the Universal Monster Universe. -What kind of life awaits the talking toilet in "Beauty and the Beast"? -Nate and Ben think the French cannibal horror film "Raw" could have been a bit rawer. -"Wonder Woman" symbolizes everything wrong with moviegoing audiences for Ben, whereas Nate found some enjoyable things. This is a wide-ranging discussion that lasts for a solid half hour. Stay tuned at the end for a discussion over a big, bushy mustache. -This Week's Pitch -- Female Superheroes! -Ben shares some of his prior pitches and characters from his complicated comic book universe of ideas. -This Week's Game -- No Game!