Fri, 21 April 2017
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" had planned a "What the Hell Did We Just Watch?" edition for surefire disaster "Monster Trucks" and then had to change those plans when the movie actually proved to be okay. In light of that, the guys threw together pitches for family films based upon puns. Yeah, it was a bit of a stretch. The guys also introduce a new game that leaves them giggling like mad, the pun-laden world of Gene Shalit, the podcast's favorite film critic, is put to new use. Happy five years podcasting. Available on iTunes. Episode 172 includes: -The guys debate the appeal of exploring dark places. -A potential "Purge" TV show should make a killing. Get it? Get it? -Ben says so long to "The Bye Bye Man" (DON'T THINK IT! DON'T SAY IT!) -Surprise of 2017: "Monster Trucks" is actually an okay kids film. -This Week's Pitch -- Pun-Based Children's Films! -Listen for pitches for "Couch Potato," "Dog-Gone-It," and "A Monkey's Uncle" to know how far the realm of children's entertainment has come. -This Week's Game -- Gene Shallit-Off! -The guys randomly draw film titles and have to come up with a prospective blurb from Gene Shalit. Puns!