Sun, 28 September 2014
This week on The Dirty Sons of Pitches, we do pretty much the same thing we do every week, talk about movies, tv shows, our penises, and so on. Sorry for the editting snafu at the beginning, but if it sounds confusing, just know that the only thing you missed was the first word of a set up for the same joke you've heard from us a million times. Enjoy. This Episode Includes - Play the new Dirty Sons Of Pitches Bingo Game! It's incredibly easy. - We discuss the upcoming fall TV season, chide old media yet again, and quickly get off track. - Nate is underwhelmed by No Good Deeds and Jack Ryan, while Ben talks about a slightly better spy movie, a charming indie with Michael Fassbender, yet another disappointing YA adaptation, and the cinematic abomination that is Jersey Boys. This Week's Pitch: Political Science (Fiction) - Inspired by Atlas Shrugged Part Three, Nate pitches a Reaganite saving the Earth from Liberals and a division of American society based on Red Blue lines. - Ben pitches Tea Party Time Travelers, the richest man on the planet, guns for everyone, and a new process for capital punishment involving shiny red buttons. This Week's Game: Five By Five....Again - This week we try the same game we played last week, slightly refined for the better, just to work out the kinks. We promise we'll have a different one next week (which will disgust you).