Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are once again looking at one of the most famous flops in Hollywood history, a passion project that lead to writer/director Francis Ford Coppola working for hire throughout the 1980s and declaring bankruptcy. If only the movie was worth the artistic risk. This misguided and messy musical, which isn't really a musical, failes to enchant the guys who come packed with lots of complaints. 

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 417 includes:

-After a scathing round-up of Katy Perry's comeback single/video "Woman's World," it's time to talk about some bigger news: Joe Biden is out. Kamala Harris is in. Democrats can breathe again. It's a long discussion over the political tremors of this week and what it can mean looking ahead. 

-Nate tries to make sense of Kevin Costner's "Horizon," one-quarter of an itnended whole we may never see. 

-Ben has watched the DC animated "Flashpoint" trilogy and lived to tell the tale. 

-The Flop Era -- "One from the Heart" (1982)

-The guys analyze extensively Francis Ford Coppola's failed musical throwback to the romantic musicals of the 1950s and cannot fathom why anyone should care about this story and these lovelorn characters. Pitty Terri Garr. Also, a side conversation about the necessity of sex/nudity in movies and generational takes on this. 

Direct download: pitch_417.mp3
Category:The Flop Era -- posted at: 6:58pm EDT