Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are again looking at some of the biggest flops and fiascos of film history, and this episode they're watching the infamous Bruce Willis comedy-caper "Hudson Hawk." It's a confused tonal mess of a movie and yet there is entertainment to be had because of the movie's wacky choices. 

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 416 includes:

-R.I.P. Shelley Duvall, Richard Simmons, Dr. Ruth, and Shannon Doherty

-Neil Gaiman is getting Me Too-ed and this one hurts. 

-Nate has seen three imaginary friends 2024 movies and gives you the roundup. 

-Ben hates "Longlegs" and thinks everyone must be faking their enjoyment.

-The Flop Era -- "Hudson Hawk" (1991)

-The guys discuss 1991's passion project for Bruno, a character he's been workshopping for a decade, in song, brought to confused life by the director of "Heathers" and with an all-star cast, each acting like they are in a different movie. It's bad, it's not funny, and it's crazy, but the guys practically recommend seeing it for those same reasons. 


Direct download: pitch_416.mp3
Category:The Flop Era -- posted at: 1:30pm EST