Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back and examining the films of the first decade of the twenty-first century year by year. This time it's 2007, an otherwise stellar year of cinema, but the guys aregoing for lesser known examples, specifically the "Underdog" live-action movie unfortunately voiced by Jason Lee, and "Mr. Brooks" where Kevin Costner is a serial killer trying to live an ordinary life in the suburbs but having a hard time giving up his old addictions. 

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Episode 379 includes:

-Some minor new trailers ("Five Nights at Freddy's" anyone?) and discussion about Garth Brooks quixotic attempt to remake himself an emo singer-songwriter.

-"Petr Pan & Wendy" is a noble failure in the realm of Disney live-action remakes. 

-Ben says "Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3" is the least of the trilogy, and he's having a hard time defending the rampant animal cruelty as gratuitous emotional manipulation. 

-By the Decade -- 2007 -- "Underog" / "Mr. Brooks"

-The guys discuss what, if anything, is appealing about the "Underdog" children't movie and who exactly it was meant for, and then spend more time appreciating the many different conflicts in "Mr. Brooks" before coming up with storytelling changes that would have made an overstuffed but good genre movie more streamlined and even better. 

Direct download: pitch_379.mp3
Category:By the Decade -- posted at: 3:57pm EST