Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are introducing a new segment where they go year-by-year through a decade of film, highlighting two movies unseen or looking to rewatch, and the first decade is that of the twenty-first centry. Starting with the year 2000 (cue Conan voice), the guys watch cult comedy "The Specials" written by James Gunn (!) and directed by Craig Mazen (!) and while it doesn't fully work, it's worlds better than "Whipped," a detestable rom-com with such odious characters, atrocious comedy, and inept filmmaking. It is, simply, one of the worst movies this podcast has ever viewed. Enjoy. 

Available on Spotify and Apple

Episode 372 includes:

-James Gunn's blueprint for the DC universe going forward. Discussion ahead. 

-Nate has seen "Babylon" and sings its praises. 

-Ben has seen "Shotgun Wedding" and "Alice, Darling."

-By the Decade -- 2000 -- "The Specials" / "Whipped"

-The guys talk about the history and cast of cult superhero dark comedy "The Specials" and then try and make sense of just how truly awful "Whipped" is as a comedy and an artifact of human beings. 

Direct download: pitch_372.mp3
Category:By the Decade -- posted at: 1:26pm EST