Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking at the annuls of goofy television this week as they combine two blowhard TV personas to make a new pitch. The guys watch and discuss 2016's "Mindhorn" from Netflix and 2002's unexpected spy thriller "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind," where the host of "the Gong Show" was really a CIA hitman.

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 335 includes:

-R.I.P. Meat Loaf and Louie Anderson and "sexy M&Ms."

-No more dwarves in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves"? About time.

-"Voyagers" and "the Humans" are two films to skip.

-"Happily" is a worthwhile exercise that almost makes it to the end.

-Switch the Pitch -- "Mindhorn" / "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind"

-The guys discuss the dry British comedy "Mindhorn" from the team behind "The Mighty Boosh," and more so discuss George Clooney's directorial debut, the Charlie Kaufman-penned "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind." Then they combine elements of both to make a brand-new pitch.

Direct download: pitch_335.mp3
Category:Switch the Pitch -- posted at: 12:32pm EST

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