Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" have uncovered two little known movies and maybe it's best they remain that way. They discuss 2008's "Dean Spanley," starring Sam Neill and the great Peter O'Toole and 2017's "Krystal" starring Rosario Dawson, William H. Macy, Kathy Bates, and many more in one of the most head-scratching movies they've watched for this podcast.

Available on Spotify and Apple

Episode 320 includes:

-R.I.P. Norm MacDonald, a craggy comedy icon.

-Trailers for "Dexter," "West Side Story," and finally the new-new "Matrix."

-Nate cheers "Shang-Chi" as the latest Marvel movie.

-Ben thinks he loves "Malignant."

-Switch the Pitch -- "Dean Spanley" / "Krystal"

-The guys discuss 2008's stately British drama based on a novella about a man who believes he used to be a dog and the bizarre 2017 indie "Krystal," directed by, of all people, William H. Macy where it feels like every artistic choice was the wrong one.

Direct download: pitch_320.mp3
Category:Switch the Pitch -- posted at: 11:40am EST

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