Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are back to their pitching roots and coming up with a brand-new movie based upon the mixing of two sci-fi movies, 1995's schlocky action thriller "Virtuosity," a silly hoot that nobody really talks about, and David Cronenberg's body horror descent into madness with 1983's Videodrome." The guys create a new property and set up next week's pairing to also be pitched out on the spot.

Available on Apple and Spotufy

Episode 307 includes:

-Amazon buys MGM for eight billion dollars because...?

-Sony announces another Spider-Man villain solo movie, this time starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

-The "Quiet Place" sequel is still worth talking about.

-"Cruella" might make you howl once you find out why she's so upset with dalmations.

-Switch the Pitch -- "Virtosity" / "Videodrome"

-The guys play a dice roll system and come up with a three-act structure to a pitch, on the spot, combining two bizarre technology sci-fi movies. 

Direct download: pitch_307.mp3
Category:Switch the Pitch -- posted at: 9:38pm EST

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