Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are heading for disaster with the Irwen Allen classic, the Academy Award-winning 1972 spectacle "The Poseidon Adventure," one of Ben's favorite movies, and then the big-budget 2006 Wolfgang Peterson remake, "Poseidon."

Available on Apple and Spotify

Episode 303 includes:

-Trailer for Paul Verhoeven's first movie in five years, and there are lesbian nuns.

-Me Too hits the "Dr. Who" family.

-Ben reviews the first season of Amazon's animated super hero satire, "Invincible."

-Nate loves "The Mitchells vs. the Machines" and Ben enjoys it but with some mild reservations.

-Remakin' It -- "The Poseidon Adventure" / "Poseidon"

-The guys talk about the power of cheese versus action spectacle, which movie had the more authentic or resonant emotional moments, and whether both can be fun on different disaster terms.

Direct download: pitch_303.mp3
Category:Remakin' It -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

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