Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are finalizing their double-feature breakdown of the "Alien" franchise, this time focusing on the more action-oriented entries, 1986's "Aliens" for the Classic film entry and 1997's "Alien: Resurrection" for the Cult film entry. You may be surprised which of the two Ben prefers.

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Episode 292 includes:

-Is Armie Hammer a cannibal?

-"Shadow in the Clouds" is entertaining despite the icky Max Landis of it all.

-Ben genuinely loves COVID-made "Locked Down," and Nate is simply stunned.

-Classic Film -- "Aliens" (1986)
-James Cameron's sci-fi blockbuster is still a classic example of big filmmaking and iconic moments.

-Cult Film -- "Alien: Resurrection" (1997)

-The much-maligned final chapter with Ripley might be schlocky, but could it also be the best movie of the series?

Direct download: pitch_292.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am EST

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