Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are going deep into the reaches of space to touch the unknown, with a double feature based upon the books of noted scifi author Arthur C. Clarke. First is Stanley Kubrick's ground-breaking, much heralded "2001," and next for the cult film is the much lesser regarded follow-up, "2010," released in 1985 and reflective of the Cold War era. Ben and Nate watch both and debate whether or not "2010" might actually be the better movie after all.

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Episode 276 includes:

-DC everything! "The Batman" trailer! "The Suicide Squad" re-introduction! Snyder Cut! CGI cats made of David Thewlis' mustache?

-"Ava" and "The Sleepover" are generic genre titles that don't exactly deserve your 90 minutes.

-Classic Film -- "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)

-Stanley Kubrick's sci-fi touchstone with all the very slow moving space majesty you'd want to put yourself to sleep.

-Cult Film -- "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (1984)

-The far more accessible and straightforward movie that goes to lengths to explain points that were merely ambiguous, or confusing, from the original.

Direct download: pitch_276.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:25pm EST

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