Dirty Sons of Pitches

The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are getting into the thick of their tournament to determine what the worst film of the 2010s was (excluding "A Serbian Film" and "InAPPropriate Comedy") and arguing eight match-ups over 16 very bad movies. The guys also recap the big Oscar winners and the shocking news of "Parasite" winning the top award, the first foreign winner. The guys discuss new movies, trailers, and news, but this episode is all about the Not-So Sweet Sixteen of bad movies.

Available on iTunes and Spotify

Episode 256 includes:

-Oscars finally do something right, and give their top awards to the actual best movie of the year, "Parasite."

-Sam Raimi returns to the world of Marvel.

-"Birds of Prey" is more a Harley Quinn solo affair, and Ben has some bones to pick.

-The "Sonic the Hedgehog" movie is here, with a redesigned, less horrifying Sonic, and it's okay!

-Bonus Discussion: Not-So Sweet Sixteen!

-The guys go through the first round of their Worst Movie of 2010s bracket and determine 8 lucky winners that will vie for the next round of competition. 

Direct download: pitch_256.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58am EST

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