Tue, 16 October 2012
Drew is back and he'sready to join in on the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" discussion over the exploding subgenre of found footage movie. The guys talk about what makes a good found footage movie, the opportunities and limitations of the genre, and then pitch their own found footage films and turn other movies into found footage films for this week's game. Along the way the chaps chat about Johnny Depp fatigue, Paul Ryan/Joe Biden slash fiction, the ease of slipping into racism when doing Madea impressions, why Kirk Douglas was trying to take out Melissa Leo at the Oscars, Ben's idea for the grossest movie of all time, what masturbating demons would do during their down-time, writing a found footage movie in a weekend, found footage vs. POV films, having "Thinner" become a Jenny Craig success story/found footage movie, and yettis vs. egg-making clowns. -Episode 25 includes:
-This Week's Pitch -- Found Footage Movie!
-This Week's Game -- Genre Swap !
I came for Drew, and I stayed for Drew, then I came for Drew. Madea is the fat, black, sassy version of Ernest. Random suggestion, watch The Last Circus, I think it's on Netflix. John Goodman = favorite actor. I loved V/H/S I think it's the best found footage movie I've seen. Though none of it makes any sense. I felt the one you liked was the worst, and I just thought he wasn't able to be filmed or revealed. Actually, I take that back, Harmony Korine's Trash Humpers is the best, hands down. And Chronicle. REC / 2 and Diary of the Dead are decent ones also. I haven't seen REC 3, yet. FPS of movies? Have you seen Doom...there was one cool scene. I don't remember anything else from that movie other than that. "Untitled" = Enter the Void, only shitty. My pitches: "The Cure": A sociopath / psychopath vlogs and records himself all the time. He thinks he is perfect and Gods gift to the world. He treats people like shit, steals ideas, and does anything he can to get to the top. It would star James Cameron as Steve Jobs. "Hard Bottom" Nic Cage is a sad, broken, drunken man. He vlogs and records what he does in intentions of making a documentary about his final years and or to make a return to fame. He ends up homeless and ends up falling for a thieving prostitute, played by Winona "IdLikeTo" Ryder. They continue to film each other, and work together. There is a graphic sex scene. They pitch their story to studios, and finally Peter Jackson picks it up, and then signs them to make a movie. IRL a movie is made staring the two then. Best movie that would be great as a found footage movie, American Psycho or Requiem for a Dream from the point of view of the guy who says "Ass to ass" Oh, another great found footage movie is The Tunnel that was released for free on torrent sites. Maybe the best? Maybe... I should get on this show. I'd want to discuss sequels or lack there of.