Mon, 8 May 2017
With no new movies to chat about, the "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are looking back once again at failed TV pilots and wondering "what if" scenarios. The guys tackle three failed pilots from the 1970s, one of them weirdly entertaining, and then play another round of their newest and possibly stupidest game, So Shalit Be. Available on iTunes. -Episode 175 includes: -"Black Bart" is a sequel to "Blazing Saddles" that was made for four years in secret just to meet a contract loophole. -"Baffled!" is the famous pilot where Leonard Nimoy is a race car driver who gets psychic visions. How did they make this boring? -"Starstruck" is a 1979 "Star Wars" ripoff/strange sitcom/family drama about a hotel and restaurant... IN... SPAAAACE. It's oddly compelling. See it for yourself on YouTube. -This Week's Pitch -- None! -This Week's Game -- So Shalit Be! -The guys pull random movie titles and attempt to come up with pun-heavy blurbs for them from the fabled mind of film critic and pun lover, Gene Shalit.