Sat, 11 June 2016
The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are celebrating Memorial Day weekend by looking at the larger picture, namely the Hollywood trend of building super franchises with combined cinematic universes. The guys have a lot of news to catch up on, new and old, and lay into the newest "X-Men" movie for its many missed opportunities. Available on iTunes. Episode 144 includes: -Ben and Nate lament modern pop music and shake their fist at clouds. -DC films tries to get their act together. Also, our impression of Harley Quinn doing the "Vagina Monologues." -James Bond rumors: Jamie Bell or Tom Hiddelston? -"Angry Birds" is better than it could have been but still not good. -"X-Men: Apocalypse" is a waste of everyone's abilities, and as we all know, the third one is the worst. -This Week's Pitch -- Cinematic Universes! -Ben pitches a Saban cinematic universe, a Canon cinematic universe to build a new Delta Force, a Hannah-Barbara universe, a Konami cinematic universe, and a Spielberg cinematic universe. -This Week's Game -- None!