Dirty Sons of Pitches

The Trilogy of Geek continues with Part II! The "Dirty Sons of Pitches" are spinning off in all sorts of directions with our first podcast recorded at night. So in this "after dark" edition, you get the guys pitching their own spin-off movie or TV show and then they recast the TV show "Game of Thrones." Along the way they have strange detours about the cannibalistic nature of the Rock Eater in "The Neverending Story," Goerge W. Bush's head on a pike becoming a collector's item, alien abortions, Nate retiring the Thora Birch Hottest Woman of the Year title, Ben's workplace argument over whether Ben in "Ben" was a rat or a mouse, kicky boots, whether Alan Cumming has ever been good in anything, House Ass Face, the redundancy of porno-izing "Game of Thrones," Jodie Foster vs. Ed Norton, and Nate's refusal to accept Brooke Shields as an actress.

Also available on iTunes!

Episode 12 includes:

-Listener mail! One of our female listeners has a message for Eric over his pan of "Donnie Darko"

-Discover what the "right stuff" meant for our early space travelers.

-Eric says "Prometheus" will not play well in Kansas or for people who like plots to make sense

-Nate and Ben almost come to blows over a heated hot or not debate over the attractiveness of actress Jennifer Lawrence and whether or not she is "chubby" (Nate: hot, Ben: not).

-Ben talks about a weird, grisly, German animated film "Felidae." Not for cat lovers.

-This Week's Pitch -- Spin-offs!

-Eric gives a badass character from "Serenity" his own movie, and with added Christina Hendricks zero-gravity nudity.

-Ben pitches, what else, a "Star Trek" spin-off

-Nate pitches an epic miniseries following the 300-year reign of the Targaryens in "Game of Thrones"

-This Week's Game -- Recast It!

-The guys recast HBO's "Game of Thrones" series as if it aired in the 1980s (quick, how many little people actors can you come up with?)

-A Brat Pack reunion in Westeros?

           Send your thoughts, suggestions, assorted love to pitchcast@yahoo.com

Direct download: pitch_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

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